
7 Tips for Choosing the Right Personal Injury Lawyer

If you’ve suffered an injury of some sort, you likely know that obtaining compensation isn’t always a straightforward deal. For that reason, you may want to enlist a dedicated personal injury lawyer that can boost your chances of getting a proper settlement. However, not all personal injury lawyers are equal. Before you commit to any individual in particular, here are seven essential aspects that you should definitely take into consideration.


  1. Experience

Just like in any other profession, lawyers gain in value as they accumulate experience over time. While a younger attorney may come with lower fees, if your case is particularly important you’ll probably want to opt for a more experienced lawyer, someone who has seen it all before. Make sure you ask all potential candidates pertinent questions about things like previous cases and their success rates before you make your final call.

  1. Personality

Personality is another fairly underrated aspect of the lawyer-client relationship. No matter how professional, attorneys are people too, and if you can’t connect with someone on a personal level, it’s hard to believe that a successful representation is in the cards. Most lawyers offer free initial consultations, so take this time to get to know them a little better before opting for their services.

  1. The complexity of your case

As far as legal complexity goes, no two personal injury cases are exactly the same. For instance, a rather straightforward car crash can be handled by all competent personal injury lawyers, but a more complex case will sometimes require the resources of a major agency, as well as certain specialist skills that only a few experts in the field possess.

  1. Staff

Speaking of agencies, your future lawyer’s staff are crucially important during the entire process, since they’re the ones that will handle your e-mails, respond to your questions and book your appointments. If an attorney’s staff members are rude, unprofessional and unresponsive, that definitely doesn’t bode well for your case. Make it a point to only go with agencies that welcome your business and treat your case with the care and attention it deserves.

  1. The agency’s online reputation

While hearsay should never be confused with rational thinking, it can often be a sign of things to come, especially in our current information-rich Internet Age. Simply put, places that have established good reputations online are much more likely to provide quality services. For instance, the Ottawa disability lawyers of are known for their approachability and transparency, as evidenced by the company’s popular blog.

  1. Customer testimonials

Aside from the checking out the companies themselves, you should also find the time to see what other people are saying about personal injury lawyers in your area. If you can’t find anything promising on a local level, try stretching out a bit and seeing if you can work with a larger company from one of your neighboring cities. Take customer testimonials with a grain of salt, however, since you don’t always know which ones are genuine and which have been doctored before publication.

  1. Cost

Finally, an aspect that cannot be overlooked is that of cost. Employing the services of a quality attorney tends to be an expensive process, but personal injury lawyers generally come with the caveat that they only get paid at the end. Their fee usually gets deducted from the final settlement, and is usually in the 20%-40% range. This of course means that if you don’t win the case, you will not have to give them part of your settlement. Be wary of attorneys who do not charge a straight contingency rate, as they may include certain hidden fees that will likely have to be paid even if the case is lost.

And so we’ve reached the end of our short list covering the most important things you need to keep in mind when selecting your future personal injury lawyer. Regardless if this is the first time you’ve ever engaged in legal proceedings or if you’ve had similar experiences before, having a great lawyer at your side is undoubtedly the first step towards achieving success. So take the time to properly research all your options and go with the one that best suits your needs and expectations.

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