Top 6 Biggest Benefits of the Cloud for Tech Entrepreneurs

The days where the cloud was an emerging trend that you should keep an eye for are over. Today, this technology powers millions of apps of all kinds and is used by startups and big enterprises for their everyday tasks. In fact, you’re surely using at least one cloud-based tool for your work, be it to edit documents, manage a team, communicate with people, or store files online.

This ubiquity makes sense given the numerous benefits you can get from cloud apps, especially if you’re a tech entrepreneur. Still, don’t know why you should hire a Ruby development company to start setting up your own cloud-based solution? Then here are 6 reasons to do just that.

1 – It can save you some serious money

Since a lot of entrepreneurs are always looking for cost-effective solutions, it seems logical to start off this benefits list with the economic savings of the cloud. Given that everything needed for the cloud-based tools to work is hosted on the provider’s servers, the investment you need to make to get things running is minimal.

Even if you’re hiring Ruby development services to come up with your own cloud-based platform, the cost of the entire project would be less than what it costs if you were to host everything in-house. In other words, you won’t have to worry about the costs of mounting the necessary hardware for the cloud service to work nor about the maintenance costs to keep it running.

Thus, you’ll only pay for what you use, be it through a subscription, per user, or through a tailor-made alternative to fit your business’ specific needs.

2 – You can scale up whenever you want

There are several times in which you may find that you need a little more resources to meet your customers or your own demands. If you were to store your online tools in-house, you’d have to resort to Ruby developers whenever you need more resources—and that could happen a lot more often than you think!

Imagine that you have peaks of high usage a couple of months a year when a lot of customers are trying to use your systems. If you were responsible for every online tool you used, this would mean that you would have to be ready to respond to those demands in a split second.

When you use third-party providers, you only need to hire the additional resources you need whenever your demand spikes and that’s it. You can pay as you go, scale up or down when you need to, and avoid costly investments that might not be worthy in the long run.

3 – No failures or downtimes

Having your own tools in-house can give you total control over them. However, that also means that you take full responsibility for everything that happens with them. So, if you use your own hardware to host online tools and services, you risk failures and issues that can take you offline, with the related losses that unavoidably brings.

That’s why using cloud providers is such a good thing. When you hire a third-party server, the entire environment you’ll use is guaranteed to provide consistent and reliable performance. Even if there are failures, providers set up a series of backup servers to prevent costly downtimes for you and all the other users.

Additionally, this means that everything you host there is backed up and readily available for you when you need it. This constant availability is one of the defining benefits of working with the cloud, even if you only use cloud-based tools for internal tasks.

4 – More security for your systems and data

One of the main things that cloud providers work alongside Ruby development outsourcing companies is security. Knowing that security is among the primary concerns for businesses of all sizes, cloud-based tools and systems are created with a strong focus on security. The goal is simple: to protect the cloud environment and everything that’s hosted in them from malicious attacks.

This implies that, once you hire a cloud provider, you’ll be getting a certified system that will protect you and your sensitive information from hacking. That’s because of the regulations to which cloud providers are subjected, including the need to use firewalls and the integration of in-flow virus protections.

Security doesn’t just end in the prevention of cyberattacks. When using cloud-based platforms, your data will be stored and backed up remotely, which means that you’ll always have a copy of all your most recent information, even when your own systems fail.

5 – Access the latest software

If you ever worked with your own software in-house, you know how costly and time-consuming updating all those systems can become. That’s especially true if you have a lot of devices or if you have to stop working to allow for the IT team to update everything. When using the cloud, that’s not a problem you have to worry about.

That’s because all of the tools and platforms you use are hosted online and are updated automatically by your cloud provider’s IT department without you even noticing it. This allows you to have access to updated tools that offer new features and the best performance possible without you having to do anything on your part.

What’s more, your provider can even surprise you with a new feature or option you didn’t know you needed until introduced.

6 – Get an advantage over your competition

All of the above is combined to give you one extra benefit – an edge over your competition that can prove essential to your growth. If you bet on cloud-based solutions early on, you’ll be getting all of the above from the get-go. That means that you’ll have a lot of benefits for an acceptable price which, in turn, will let you focus on core business practices you need to grow.

Naturally, this advantage will only work if your competitors haven’t invested in cloud technology. However, it also implies that, if you don’t bet on the cloud and your competitors do, then you’ll be the one that’ll fall behind. So, it’s kind of a forced situation in which using cloud technology doesn’t really feel like a choice and more like a no-brainer.

With scalability, security, always-updated software, and maintenance costs, it’s easy to see where you can get said edge when compared with competitors that aren’t using the cloud.


The cloud is now so popular among businesses for a lot of reasons. For a small investment, you can use cloud-based tools to scale your services according to your demands, get a secure environment for your tools and data, get access to the latest software available in the market, and even get ahead of your competition.

Besides, cloud technology has been so developed and is so flexible right now that you’ll likely find almost any tool or service you need for your business. So, maybe you should stop considering using the cloud as a choice you can make and start seeing it as what it truly is – a must-have ally for any modern tech entrepreneur.

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