
7 Eco-Friendly Ideas To Revolutionise the HVAC Industry

Today’s heating and cooling is no longer about bulky white air conditioners and ducted heating systems. Green tech is taking the market by storm and here is what you need to know about the latest of innovations. Without further ado, let’s count down the top 7 game changers of HVAC in 2016.

7. Geothermal Heat Pumps

Even if geothermal solutions have been sold for more than 60 years now, such HVAC technologies currently see a commercial success, mostly because of the green living philosophy. These pumps utilise Earth’s heat using a grounded system of pipe loops. In the winter time, the special fluid that’s in the pipes transfers the heat inside the home to secure its higher temperature. It is known that such installations are 3 to 4 times better in terms of efficiency compared to the old heating systems. What’s more, geothermal technology could provide cooling as well.

heat pump

6. Double-Fueled Pump

According to the producers, the most convenient kind of heating can be delivered by the fusion of an electric heat pump and a gas burner. For temperatures exceeding 33 degrees, the double pump applies electricity for interior heating, making sure the air is not dry. And when it’s colder, the gas is used in order to guarantee the best of efficiency. This product is rather pricey compared to other heat pumps on the market but in turn you get improved energy efficiency for your home in the long run.

5. Energy Calculating Programs

Using a dedicated piece of software could help find most appropriate heating and AC system in terms of energy costs and efficiency prior to installing it at home. Moreover, the program will be useful to interior designers select the best solution to fit a given design. It is not only capable of projecting the all-time energy costs for every building but will also take into account factors that are not directly related to HVAC techniques, like light-reflecting roofs for instance. A couple of companies already offer such software.

hvac software

4. ‘Green’ Wrap for Ducts

Duct wraps are not something new but this green version is. What makes it nature-friendly is the use of recycled fabric (denim to be specific) and the lack of any irritants.It will minimise fluctuations in heat distribution that which inevitably happens in air pipes, similar to other wraps currently sold on the market. The ‘green wrap’ will be rated A for fires and won’t use fiberglass, thus preventing skin irritations and allergies. It is also designed to block the moisture and air currents.

3. The Icy AC

Here is another innovative technology that utilises ice for interior cooling, aiming to lower the overall energy costs for a particular building. The ice-powered AC unit operates by freezing a large amount of water inside a tank in the night to be used for cooling on the day after. After charging all the necessary ice it shifts to cooling mode for a maximum of 5 to 6 hours. During the times needed to re-charge the system with new ice, the traditional air conditioning comes back into play. Which is why this new technology still needs to work together with the classic cooling systems.

air conditioner

2. Thermal Air Conditioner

A company based in Australia now offers a technology that is in fact a cheaper replacement of the common AC units that are all electrically-driven. The innovation will rely on a combination of solar power and natural gas, if necessary. The system will make use of its custom PV panels to produce the high temperatures needed to drive a dual cooler. As Melbourne HVAC installers state, the product supplies more cooling in comparison to the old solar systems and reduces energy losses, too.

1. On-demand Hot Water Unit

The invention in question is said to be a huge money, water and energy saver while offering enough hot water at the time when it is actually needed. It makes use of a on-demand pump which is connected to both cool and hot water lines – be it in the bathroom or the kitchen. It involves a cycle that circulates drained cold water back to the heating unit. This makes hot water available 24/7. The company has also released a video presentation that explains the complex technology behind the whole process. It also stresses the big water losses generated by most households today.

A research by

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