If you're planning to move to Canada, then it's worth spending some time looking for jobs and sending over your applications. A waiting job won't just help you to settle in quickly, meet new friends and make money soon after arrival - it's also likely to be your best bargaining chip as you apply to live in Canada.
Here's a quick guide to moving to Canada, and finding a job before you arrive:
Weigh Up Your Skills
In order to be assessed for the Federal Skilled Worker Program, you must have a valid offer of arranged employment or work experience in one of 24 areas. Most of these areas are related to medical and engineering roles. If you have a skill that's in high demand, you might find it much easier to get into Canada.
Get Your Qualifications Accredited
Qualifications not earned in Canada need to be professionally accredited if you're applying under the Federal Skilled Worker Program. An Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) will need to be carried out.
The ECA validates your foreign qualification, and matches it to an equivalent qualification in Canada. This process is particularly important if you're applying for jobs in teaching, health care or social work, and can take up to six months.
Plan in Advance
Never assume, no matter how qualified and experienced you are, that you'll get a job without issue. Be prepared, and start looking for jobs long before you arrive. Employers will typically be understanding, and can schedule a start date that suits you. Delaying your search for a job puts you at risk of not finding suitable employment in time.
Get Online
Search online for jobs. Create a profile on LinkedIn, and make it clear that you're looking for work in Canada. As well as approaching companies, you're then opening yourself up to the possibility of being head-hunted. If an employer in Canada is looking for someone with your skills and your experience, then they might offer you a job or at least a fast-track to an interview.
Consider a Big City Move
Big cities including Quebec, Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa are popular amongst new immigrants, because they offer more job opportunities. If you're looking for work, don't limit your search to smaller towns and villages. You're more likely to find work in a city than you are to find it in a quiet rural town.
Think About the Interview Process
Do you have the time and money to travel over to Canada? An ability to travel might really impress an employer that wants to offer you an interview, but it's certainly not essential. In fact, phone and video interviews are increasingly popular methods. Offer an employer the opportunity to interview you over Skype.
Approach Leading Employers for New Canadians
Many of Canada's biggest companies are proud of the fact that they offer great jobs and support to immigrants looking to make a start in the country. Looking for jobs on their websites, you can be sure that your application won't be rejected because you're not already a Canadian resident. Big employers to try include Home Depot Canada, Ernst & Young, AltaGas, TransCanada Corporation, Xerox Canada and the Royal Bank of Canada.
Do you have any of your own tips for finding a job in Canada? Do you work for a leading provider of jobs to new Canadian immigrants? Why not comment and share your thoughts?