As a business hopefully grows and pushes forward into new markets, the challenges that lay ahead are already very much obvious, as when most companies come to expand and see substantial growth, unless all of the systems are in place from day one, it can be very easy for a business to actually fall behind, as they get too busy and do not have the foundations in place to support the growth.
If your business is also moving into new markets overseas, with English not the first language and cultures that are totally new to the business ethos, then the challenge can become even harder, but of course, the rewards for getting it right can be immense, with overseas markets often the perfect place for UK businesses to really succeed. Although climates may change and governments come and go, there is no denying the fact that the UK has had good success from relationships overseas, and from major, branded firms through too small, independent and family run companies, there is little reason not to look abroad, if the foundations for you to do so are strong.
It is at this point you might really need to consider how to get your message across, which could require the services of a professional translation company. We take a look at five reasons to use an established and respected translation firm if you plan to move into the overseas market for your business.
Marketing Material
From leaflets through too full, glossy brochures that cost a lot to produce, every single piece of your marketing material that you plan to use overseas simply must be translated by native speakers that understand both the language translation and the cultural elements as well. There really is no excuse, as if you opt for a quick, free and automated translation then your business will suffer because of it, especially as these systems are not generally 100% accurate and they most certainly do not understand culture differences, which if you forget to account for, can cause major issues and could stop your business succeeding.
Website / Online
Using Google Translate on your website is not going to make the best reading for your overseas clients and just as importantly, your website is simply not going to rank in these countries unless you have the correct translation, from the content through to the title tags and all the other onsite SEO factors. According toBrightlines Translation Services, quick and cheap translation will at best stop you getting any business, at worse will make your brand look lazy and uncaring of your target market, so if you want to rank abroad, investing in getting your website translated to the local language is worth every penny.
If your business relies on things like local radio marketing or audio marketing, then it is more efficient to get your existing, UK focused audio marketing material translated, rather than start all over again. You might also need to get client audio material translated as well, so that you can fully understand all elements of it, especially if clients are sending over things in their own native language that your business really needs to correctly understand to avoid some major mistakes.
Most businesses now realise the importance of video, both from a marketing point of view and from a promotional point of view, and unless you want to spend many thousands re-filming or re-making your company video(s) for every country you enter, you will need to look at professional video translation. This is cost effective as it means you can use the one video for many countries, until you establish yourself so well in that particular area that it makes commercial sense to make something locally, which is where professional video translation services can really help your company.
Contracts / Admin / Legal Documents
When the time comes that you have landed your first big contract, you may have forgotten that the legal documents, administrative documents and all of the legal contracts are also going to need to be translated as well, and when it comes to the legal side of things, these documents should also be checked over by a solicitor for your own peace of mind as well. You need to make sure that literally every piece of client facing material is translated correctly, and this extends right the way down to the end pieces of paper as well.