Author: Kidal D.


5 Ways to Maintain your Real Wood Flooring

Wood flooring can be a timeless addition to any style of home. Whether you live in a cosy country cottage, a humble family home, or an affluent city abode, solid wood is a wise investment. Each board promises to improve the dynamic of your living space with decorative flair and […]


How to Boost Your Business’s Cyber Defenses

There’s no doubt that technology is continuously evolving. New innovations are being introduced every year to make our lives more convenient and comfortable. But along with these positive developments, cyber threats are spreading chaos, especially among businesses. Sure enough, global cybercrime accounted for at least $600 billion in losses in […]


Discover The Incredible Healing Power Of Kratom

There really may be something to the old saying about “Ancient Chinese Secrets” when you are talking about herbal remedies and medicines. The ancients had only the natural world and its offerings to use for healing. Some of their cures have lasted more than a millennium. Mitragyna Speciosa, or the […]


Benefits of Vaping over Smoking

The fact that people smoke is simply a part of the history of the human species. The detrimental health effects that accompany smoking is something that has been brought to light in the past century or so. The draw of smoking is the nicotine that lies within. Unfortunately, nicotine is […]


2019 Interior Design Ideas

Oh, the thrills of the new year! Even though it’s still a few days away, January 1st has become our chance for a reboot. If you are already thinking about your own unique projects, then you are in the right place. Let’s take a peek at a roster of enviable […]

Web reviews

TripLog mileage reimbursement app

TripLog is designed with your taxes in mind. Our reports were taken straight from the tax forms so your accountant will be sure to love them. *Simple cents-per-mile reimbursement is just one of the mileage programs we offer at TripLog. We specialize in all IRS compliant mileage programs including Car […]