There are many steps to take for those who suffer from addiction and are on the road to recovery. One of the most common challenges of overcoming addiction is learning how to manage different triggers that occur from time to time to avoid relapsing. To manage triggers and get through […]
Author: craigmiddleton18
Making a Sanctuary Out of Your Master Bedroom
Your master bedroom is supposed to be your sanctuary. If you don’t know much about decorating this area of your home, consider these helpful tips. In no time, you’ll be able to put together the master bedroom of your dreams. Fill it With Things That You Love Your room should […]
How Technology Can Manipulate the Brain
The concept of brain manipulation has been in many films and literature. The idea that the mind could somehow be manipulated through technology was nothing more than a fantasy, but this is no longer the case. Modern times have caught up with science fiction, and technology-based brain manipulation is making […]
Want a New Home? How to Build Your Home in an Urban Area
When someone mentions they’re building a new home, most assume it’s in a suburban area outside of city limits. There’s more space on which to build a home sizable enough to make sense, and it’s where people go when kids are born and families grow up. You don’t hear nearly […]
Designing a Bathroom for Him and Her
More homeowners are wanting to increase the size of their bathroom when sharing the space with their significant other. His and her bathrooms are an ideal option for those who want more elbow room when it comes to bathing or getting ready in the morning. To design a space that […]
5 Steps to Properly Track Sales Goals
It is almost impossible for a sales team to be successful if it is not tracking how it is reaching its goals. You should be able to answer questions such as “how many conversions did you have this week” or “how many cold calls did you make this week.” Having […]
6 Tips to Simplify Your Home Building Process
Building a home is a big project. Even if you have years of experience under your belt, each home you build will be different from all of the others. The materials, the land, the floor plan, the amenities….just when you think you’ve seen it all, here comes the chance to […]
5 Signs That Your Loved One Needs Help with Drugs Addiction
The side effects of substance abuse are horrific to the body and mind, but they don’t happen all at once. Most people notice small changes to a person’s behavior and appearance at first. Their pupils are dilated. They lose weight. The teeth become stained or fall out. Sometimes, they also […]
5 Musts When Building a New Home
For prospective home builders, building a new home requires a lot of patience and planning. In order to get it right the first time, there are several essentials that you should be aware of. Keeping these factors in mind when building your home will allow you to get the most […]