Author: charliebrown

Debt and credit

Things to Do during Debt Settlement

Debt settlement is one of the many options that you could take if you find yourself unable to pay off your debts. Debt settlement is a negotiation where your creditor allows you to pay lesser debt than what you owe. A debt settlement company can handle the negotiations for you […]

Mobile devices

Best iPhone Shooting Apps

Do you want to become a professional shooter or just love the game of shooting? If you do, you should be aware about different guns and shooting techniques. Good news for all iPhone users, now, you can download some of the best shooting apps that will help you to cherish […]

Travel and living

The Biggest Sports Arenas in The World

There are very few activities in the world that bring together large groups of people together than in sport. Sports such as football/soccer, American football, Athletics, Cricket, Australian Rules football and rugby feature the largest arenas in the world. Surprisingly (or maybe not) the largest stadium in the world is […]

Web design

Tips on Getting Started as a Web Designer

Terms like CSS, CMS, Drupal, HTML, PHP and the like intimidate a lot of folks from thinking of web design as a career for them. Not helping this is the fact that there is heavy competition in this field too. This is besides the pricing structure difference whereby there are […]


Factors to Consider when Looking for a Lawsuit Loan

If you are filing a lawsuit and do not have the money, you should consider getting settlement funding. It is important to understand how the funding works and what it will mean for you in terms of costs and benefits. What is settlement funding? Lawsuit funding involves borrowing money against […]