Search Results for "unique niche"

building a brand namefreemium model

How to Build a Unique Brand Identity

Just because you make that doesn’t mean that they will buy it. You have to add value to your product. While working on your brand identity, you have to keep some key points in your mind. Make it easy for people to remember. Stand Out and catch the attention. Make […]


How To Find Your Niche in Instagram

Half of the world are using the Instagram platform. This means that is becoming a favorite platform fast. We all like pretty and appealing photos which is what Instagram is all about. Joining is easy and once you get a hang of it, sharing photos is also easy. However, if […]

Small business

How to Start a Subscription Business

The main benefit of a subscription business model is recurring revenue. It helps increase the value of the business, provides steady cash flow, and makes the business predictable. Beyond that, it helps build sustainable and lasting relationships with customers. Subscription businesses are exploding with each day and no business wants […]

Internet Marketing SEO

How to Increase Blog Traffic

If there’s one thing that keeps bloggers up at night, it’s solving the mysteries of site traffic. There’s a reason, after all, we check the stats on our WordPress sites every five minutes, and it’s not just neuroticism (though that’s in there too). But with so many blogs out there […]