Search Results for "skin spot"

Small business

Five Small Business Weak Spots You Should Avoid

Starting a business is a momentous milestone for many young entrepreneurs. However, growing and maintaining one can be a real challenge. Every company has its own strengths, which we refer to as distinctive advantages and competencies that allow a business to strive, establish authority and achieve goals, such as generating […]


The Skin and the Aging Process

It seems a paradox: if the upper layer of skin changes about once a month, then why does the skin age? There are several reasons. Chronological aging The passage of time destroys the skin. As the years go by, the skin undergoes a number of biochemical changes. First, the epidermis cells no longer […]


Best Self-Tanners for Fair or Pale Skin

If you have pale or fair skin, you probably assume that most self-tanners weren’t made with you in mind. A self-tanner for pale skin can leave you looking like a zebra rather than a beach babe. If you’re pale and know how orange some of these products make you look, […]