Search Results for "simple sugars"


5 Foods that Must be Avoided by a Diabetic Patient

With diabetes, food choice matters a lot. Watching what one eats becomes like death and duties-unavoidable in order to stay healthy. Being diabetic doesn't mean that special foods and complicated diets are necessary. With natural home remedies diabetes treatment and control is possible. It's making healthy food choices and keeping […]


What is Invisalign?

When it comes to teeth straightening, with the help of orthodontic appliances, more and more patients are interested in the aesthetic, invisible part of the treatments. Whether they are children or adults, whether they go to school or the office, patients want their teeth straight, like in a magazine, without […]


How Being Vegan Benefits Your Health?

The number of people cutting out meat is increasing, as is the number of those curious about a meat-free lifestyle. Veganism and the interest in a plant-based diet have risen so much so that even famous sportspeople and celebrities are advocating the health benefits of a diet free from animal […]


7 Health and Fitness Tips Every Woman Should Follow

Women have challenging roles, biologically as well as socially. The physical and mental labor of women, while often unaccounted for in casually sexist setups of the economy- such as the GDP- fail to find their well-deserved place. Women multitask like maniacs working at home and their jobs, managing immaculately well […]


Tooth Decay in Children: It Really Is Avoidable

Tooth decay is incredibly common and many parents and caregivers think it is unavoidable that their child will get cavities. In fact tooth decay is entirely avoidable through taking preventative action to break the cycle of decay. How Cavities Are Formed Cavities are caused when bacteria utilize carbohydrates from foods […]


How to Stay Healthy

We do not pay any attention to our health, at least not until we are sneezing or coughing. It's how people work, we do not appreciate the things we have, and we only pay attention when we are afraid of losing it. Staying healthy is not an easy task, and […]