Search Results for "people coping"


5 Strategies for Coping With a Sports Injury

After being fully invested in a sport you love, it sorts of becomes your life. Sports can be a major source of self-esteem, a source of income, a constructive way to cope with stress, and also offers a sense of identity, among other benefits. So, what happens when the unthinkable […]

Smoking Cigarette

5 Reasons Why People Smoke Cigarettes

It may seem odd to a non-smoker that despite the obvious negative health effects, tobacco is still responsible for more preventable deaths than any other source in the United States. Why do people smoke when they know it’s bad for them? Most people begin smoking after succumbing to peer pressure, […]


Means of Coping with Chronic Back Pain

Back pain, especially the chronic kind, is not easy to cope with. It is one of the major problems one can face on daily basis. You can't concentrate due to bothersome pain, you are constantly stressed out, you can't get enough rest, and all of this results in lower performance […]


Coping with Winter-Simple Survival Strategies

Most people who live in the northern hemisphere dread the onset of winter. The cold weather, the short days and the dreaded flu all contribute to a feeling of gentle gloom. The Blues Some people also are affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)-this is due to shorter natural daylight during […]


Tips for Becoming a Better Social Worker

Humans are social animals who are bound to depend on each other for a variety of needs. However, there are people among us who unfortunately do not have many people to fall back at in hard times. In these instances, social workers help improve the lives of such people particularly. […]


Can Psychotherapy Help Me?

Psychotherapy is a collaborative treatment or talk therapy where you work with a psychologist to help you face the challenges ahead of you. You sit down with a therapist and discuss changes that you can make to improve the direction of your life. This therapy is similar to counseling. However, […]


Bullying: Effects on Child Mental Health

Children and teenagers have been impacted by bullying for millennia. However, the impacts of bullying on mental health, which affect not just the victim but also bystanders who watch it and the bullies themselves, have only lately come to light. What is bullying? According to the Centers for Disease Control, […]