Search Results for "participant putting"


UX for games: An Overview

User Experience is a field that is hard to define precisely because its emphasis is on enhancing how users engage with a particular product. As the video game business has grown, game designers have come to understand that a player-centric development process and culture foster a favorable user experience that […]


How Gamification Helps You to Retain Information

Games have never been the sole prerogative of the very youngest among us. Since time immemorial, humanity has been practicing playful activities to various ends. The Lydians thus relied upon gamification to help make their food reserves last for as long as possible. Card games have also been utilized throughout […]


How to Boost Your Immune System

Almost everyone is looking for ways to bolster their immune systems, so they can fight sicknesses off earlier and faster. Strengthening your immune system is a hard task, though, that you will need to keep at for a long time to make it reach/stay at its optimal levels. Even though […]


How to Control Interruptions at Work

How much time do you lose each day to interruptions? Thirty minutes? An hour? Two hours? Are most or these interruptions of value? When you are interrupted, do you find that when you go back to what you were working on it takes almost as long to get back to […]


Benefits of Faculty Development

Every business organization benefits from putting its employees through constant and relevant training. This is true even if one is talking about academic institutions. Of course, the mode of training and the end goals of such training programs will certainly differ when we are talking about a business organization and […]