Search Results for "neighbourhood"

Travel and living

Irish Neighbourhoods in London

Migration from Ireland to England has long been a feature in Irish history, with many migrants choosing to head to London as well as further afield. In fact, there is still a strong Irish community in London with various areas of the city being more popular than others. It is […]

Home & family

7 Ways to Keep Your Home Secure

During the height of the pandemic last 2020, many of us thought that we would be cooped up in our homes for only a couple of weeks. In the course of a few months, crimes such as aggravated assaults and robberies in neighbourhoods lowered drastically. While it’s great that we […]


Google Is Getting Physical

Google is one of the biggest companies in the world. It’s worth more than one trillion dollars, and has become part of our everyday lives. When we search for something on the internet, we “Google” it. Unless you have an iPhone, you’re interacting with Google-made software every time you use […]


How to Optimize a Real Estate Website

The real estate industry is very competitive, and both big and small agencies compete for customers. Then, how could a real estate agent with a limited budget compete? You must simply build your own website and promote it. After all, 93% of home buyers use the Internet to search for […]

Real estate

10 Questions to Ask Your Real Estate Agent

House hunting or selling is a tedious process and needs so much smart work. Instead of going behind multiple agents, interviewing one agent in an accurate manner will help the buyers find the exact person to work for them. People planning to sell properties will need detailed information about proper […]