Search Results for "manners"


Minding Bedside Manners: A Nurse’s Superpower

When patients enter a hospital, whether it’s for a regular checkup or the first day of a long journey of chemotherapy, they put their entire trust in the hands of those who have spent years learning about the mysteries and complexities of the human body. From their perspective, the doctors, […]

Travel and living

How to make friends easily?

Friendship is a close relationship between two people who are not related by blood or by law. Friends are people you can trust and who will support you through thick and thin. They are the people with whom you can have fun, with whom you share your secrets, and who will […]


What Are UML Techniques And Principles

Thousands of words can be gotten from a picture. And this is why Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagraming came into existence because of this. It is used for forging a common visual language in the world of complex software development. The innovation is also useful for business users as well […]


How Gamification Helps You to Retain Information

Games have never been the sole prerogative of the very youngest among us. Since time immemorial, humanity has been practicing playful activities to various ends. The Lydians thus relied upon gamification to help make their food reserves last for as long as possible. Card games have also been utilized throughout […]