Search Results for "inflicting"


How Skip Bins Can Help The Environment?

As inhabitants of this planet, we have been inflicting severe environmental harm for many years. It may be impossible to undo the damage already caused. However, we must become more environmentally aware to prevent further destruction. One of the fundamental steps towards achieving this is by adopting environmentally friendly practices […]


Tips to Manage Sensitivity after Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening or as others may call it, teeth bleaching is quickly becoming a common practice among people. One of the main reasons why people go through this process is for cosmetic purposes. Not only does it improve the appearance of teeth but it also boosts one’s self-esteem. A common […]

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Surviving a seagull attack-An Overview

There are several instances when individuals have fallen prey to the "missile" like gull attacks. While some have been hospitalized with cut heads and profuse bleeding, others have had to sacrifice their bones. The urban seagulls have become a menace with every passing day. In this article, we will find […]


Thermal Imaging Cameras-an Overview

We live in an age where we just cannot afford to let go of the grave consequences that global warming is inflicting on us in some way or other. Of course, people are more concerned about raising awareness on this issue, as well. When it comes to thinking of the […]


Upcoming Trends in the Metal Fabrication Industry

The metal fabrication industry appears to be shifting in certain markets, including in Europe, China, India, U.S. and other countries. Current trends suggest that domestic automotive sales will continue to rise over the next two years, use of aluminum will continue to grow, and even the way we look at […]


Signs of an Abusive Partner

Being in a relationship can be maddening, especially when you become a tad obsessive with your partner. You want to spend every waking hour together or know their every movement. Unfortunately, if you immerse yourself too much in the relationship, it can turn into an all-consuming and suffocating bond. In […]