Search Results for "human population"


Why Cities Need Smart Parking?

In this post: we look at how major cities could manage parking issues with smart parking solutions and what regulations can help cities plan future-proof infrastructure. America’s fascination towards football – especially the Super Bowl LIII – is mesmeric. While the city of Atlanta hosted the latest showdown, the city planners, police and […]

Society & Culture

Why Flowers Don’t Grow Old

Have you ever wondered how long we have been playing with flowers as a civilization, particularly here in Australia? The oldest flower shops in the country date back to the earliest 20th century. The oldest flower shop in the world was opened in the 19th century. We are in the […]

Travel and living

The Metro Journey

Human beings are both social and curious creatures. The social aspect makes us move from place to place to spend time with those we love, as well as establish new relationships with others who may become our loved ones. The curious aspect makes us desire to explore places we have […]


The Thing About Inversion Therapy

The thing is that there’s a therapy that’s meant to enhance your well-being by placing you upside down. It seems weird, but it actually works. It may not be a thing for everyone since, in as much as it solves some significant problems, it can also raise or worsen others. […]


Viable Alternatives To Traditional Investments

If you're finding the tried and tested ways of growing your capital aren't offering the returns you're after why not try investigating in some of the following alternatives. Peer to Peer Lending By lending your money to other credit-worthy individuals you can earn a rate of interest that far outstrips […]


What causes cancer? Is there a cancer gene?

Cancer remains one of the most formidable challenges to human health worldwide. Despite significant advancements in research and treatment, its causes continue to perplex scientists and individuals alike. Understanding the Causes of Cancer: Cancer is not a singular disease with a single cause but rather a diverse group of diseases […]


A More Efficient Approach to Food Production

Food production needs to ramp up, or we will not be able to feed everyone in a few decades. Incomes are rising, and people are consuming more animal-based foods. More resources are needed to produce these foods. However, we also need to cut greenhouse gas emissions and protect this planet, […]


How Technology is Changing Healthcare Today

hePatients today have more access to healthcare than ever before, thanks in large part to technology, The quality of care is improving along with patient outcomes. In addition, more people can receive care promptly. As a result, healthcare overall has become smarter, more effective, and more personalized. How is this […]


The Transition from Manual Fee Collection to Automated Systems

In the dynamic landscape of education, where innovation and efficiency have become imperative, the transition from manual fee collection to automated systems is a transformative journey that educational institutions worldwide are embarking upon. This shift isn’t merely about embracing technology; it’s a strategic decision with far-reaching benefits for schools, students, […]


The Ethics of CRISPR and Genetic Engineering

Advancements in biotechnology, particularly the development of CRISPR-Cas9, have revolutionized the world of genetic engineering. This powerful tool allows scientists to make precise changes to the DNA of various organisms, opening up countless possibilities for scientific discovery and practical applications. However, as with any groundbreaking technology, the ethical implications of […]


Revolutionizing Delivery and Surveillance: Exploring the Exciting Possibilities of Drones in the Future

Drones are rapidly transforming the way we approach delivery and surveillance services. With their advanced capabilities, these unmanned aerial vehicles are revolutionizing the industry and opening up exciting possibilities for the future. The article discusses the use of drones in delivery and surveillance services, exploring their benefits, challenges, and potential […]