Search Results for "beauty regimen"

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5 Benefits of Sugar Scrub for Lips

Our lips take a beating throughout the day. Between sun exposure, dry weather, and even the constant friction of talking and eating, they can become dry, chapped, and flaky. But fear not! A simple addition to your skincare routine can work wonders for your lips: the sugar lip scrub. This […]

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Hemp Oil and CBD Oil: Are they the same?

Maybe you’ve heard about the different natural wonders of CBD infused edibles and supplements in general health. As you browse for natural products and supplements which contain CBD or Cannabidiol, you might encounter the terms, ‘Hemp oil’ and ‘CDB oil’ and eventually get confused –what are the differences or similarities? […]


10 Oatmeal Face Masks For Acne And Scars

One of the outstanding benefits of oats is reducing cholesterol level in your body. Besides its health benefits, oats contain a ton of beauty benefits. For instance, oatmeal aids in removing itching and acne due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Acne is mainly caused by inflammation, according to experts. […]


CBD and Sleep: Can Cannabidiol Help with Insomnia?

Millions of people experience insomnia, a common sleep problem that makes it difficult to get to sleep, stay asleep, or have a restful sleep. While various remedies are available, one emerging option is CBD, or cannabidiol, a compound derived from the cannabis plant. This post will examine CBD’s ability to […]


Transform Your Look: How to Give Yourself a Makeover in 2022

If you spent 2021 feeling self-conscious or unglamorous, it’s time to improve how you look and feel to ensure you’re bursting with confidence over the next 12 months. While appearance isn’t everything, it can impact your self-worth, relationships, and motivation each day. Don’t spend another year struggling with poor self-esteem. […]


Clear Your Skin and Fight Off Acne in 4 Steps

Acne is probably one of the worst things you might have to face in your life at some point. Some people are fortunate to have clear skin that magically never seems to develop acne breakouts. Then there are those unfortunate to have acne-prone skin that just needs an excuse to […]


6 Topics You Should Discuss with Your Doctor

Do you have a good relationship with your doctor? If you’re like 33% of millennials, you might not even have a designated “family doctor.” Indeed, more and more people are forgoing regular tips to the doctor’s office. This is a bad idea for a huge variety of reasons. Plain and […]