Search Results for "Lifecycle"


The Agile System Development Lifecycle Explained

With the rapid change in customer needs, technology design and development have changed. Agile development has adopted an iterative approach for the system development lifecycle. It is a collective developmental method that improves the software continuously. A group of developers focuses on developing the software quickly using a particular method. […]


The Shorter ‘Lifecycle' of New Cars

New research from a car valuation expert has revealed that the average ‘shelf life' of a car has significantly reduced over the last two decades. New models are now going out of date much faster than previously, car dealers reporting that “motorists currently benefit from the most modern choices and […]


Elements of The Corporate Contract Lifecycle

Just as products have a shelf life, business contracts have a lifecycle that begins from the initial planning phases and extends throughout the duration of these agreements. Contract lifecycle management is an essential part of the modern business world and encompasses a wide range of activities, including the following: • […]

Data security

Tips to prevent application vulnerabilities

App or application vulnerabilities are one of the most common targets for malicious activities. This poses a huge threat to both businesses and citizens, potentially resulting in leaks of sensitive information, financial losses, and other consequences. Therefore, whether you are developing an app or simply using it, you should always […]


The Role of Technology in Asset Management: A Transformative Approach

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the role of technology in asset management has become increasingly significant. Asset management (the systematic process of developing, operating, maintaining, upgrading, and disposing of assets cost-effectively) is no longer confined to spreadsheets and manual records. The advent of cutting-edge technologies has revolutionised how companies […]


10 Essential Tools for an Agile DevOps Environment

In today’s fast-paced digital era, businesses are constantly striving to deliver high-quality software applications faster and more efficiently. This need for speed and efficiency has led to the rise of DevOps, a software development approach that emphasizes collaboration and integration between development and operations teams. Agile DevOps, in particular, combines […]


Securing Agile Environments: Best DevOps Practices

In today’s rapidly evolving technology landscape, businesses increasingly adopt agile methodology and DevOps practices to streamline their software development and deployment processes. However, with the rapid pace of development and deployment, security can often be overlooked. In this blog post, we will explore the best practices for securing agile environments […]


Installing Maven on Linux: Step-by-Step Guide

Maven is a widely used build automation tool that simplifies the process of managing and building software projects. It provides comprehensive features, including dependency management, project structuring, and automated builds. In this blog post, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of installing Maven on Linux. We will also […]


Exploring App Distributor Essentials – Deestr

In today’s fast-paced digital world, understanding the concept of an “app distributor” is essential for businesses and individuals alike. This term generally refers to a platform or service that facilitates the distribution of software applications, especially on mobile and web platforms. It’s a pivotal component in the app ecosystem, linking […]