Month: September 2015


Innovative Fundraising Ideas for Businesses

Fundraising is an important part of running a business, and whether you need to raise funds for a new project, more equipment, or are organizing a fundraiser on behalf of a charity, it's important to make sure that your fundraising event is innovative and different enough to attract people. The […]


Simple Methods to Convert PDF to Word

Over the years, PDF (portable document format) has become a reliable solution for sharing documents across networks, operating systems, computer infrastructures, and different configurations. It has also gained popularity among Internet users when sharing documents online. But, all these come with a big drawback: the PDF files cannot be directly […]


How Technology Has Changed the Way People Learn

The days of a blackboard and chalk are gone for most young students. Different types of technologies are changing the way children and younger members of society are taught and how they obtain new information and knowledge. It has never been easier to access this information and knowledge. The latest […]


Students of Australia Take to MBAs En Masse

According to the statistics, the number of MBA aspirants has grown by leaps and bounds to a whopping 42% in just a matter of two years in Australia. The growth has been led by a gigantic expansion policy followed by a private provider based in Adelaide. This is noteworthy as […]