
How to Do Effective App Store Optimization (ASO) for iOS App?

vsavov_160717_7185.0There are around 1.5 million apps in the Apple App Store, so making your app recognizable in the App Store is not easier. App Store ranking is nearly same as how your website is optimized for search engines (SEO), so your app page need to be optimized regularly to drive traffic to your app. First let’s see what is app store optimization and how to do it effectively?

What is App Store Optimization?

App Store Optimization is the process of optimizing mobile apps to rank higher for the app store search results and make it visible for the potential customers. That tends to increase the visibility among users to drive traffic to your app page in the app store. ASO process requires understanding your targeted customers, including the keywords to reach the potential customers.

Let’s see 6 essential components of app store optimization

App Title:

Keyword placed in the title gives more importance to your app ranking in the app store. Title is the first thing App Store’s search engine consider to know about your app. Therefore, you should always follow the relevant app name and keywords to include in the app’s title.

App Keywords:

To increase your search rankings in App Store, you need to know which keywords to target and most often what the users are searching. Observe the competitor apps, while observing, find out for which keywords their app is ranking. Accordingly, optimize keywords regularly.

Total number of downloads:

This is the most important factor creating a significant impact on your app store rankings. An app which achieves more downloads regularly are pushed to top position. So number of downloads on regular basis plays a vital role in Apple app store ranking.

Ratings and Review:

To get a large number of downloads, ratings and reviews play a very important role. Therefore, make sure your app will be successful from your existing users, so encourage users to provide favorable reviews and get more downloads with high ratings. Ratings and Reviews don’t affect ranking, but positive reviews and ratings definitely encourage new users to download the app.

Download Rate:

Download rate is based on total number of downloads, if two apps have similar downloads, Apple considers the download rate as one of the decisive factors. It checks how many times the app is downloaded and whether it is downloaded regularly or not, whichever apps have upper hand in this, Apple ranks them well.


CTR (Click Through Rate) is another important app ranking factor. If many users click on your app when it is arrived top in the search results to download it, the App Store ranking will be better.


If you have optimized the above factors for your app, your app position will be increased and downloads as well. So keep track of your rankings, performance of your keywords, user reviews, ratings etc. Frequently check the competitors’ apps to improve your rankings.


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