
Home Technology Advancements with HDMI Solutions

HDMI has created a lot of buzz in the home entertainment realm. With all of the novelties that the device provides it is easy to understand why. There are a few key technological advancements that HDMI has brought to past and continues to make strides towards that you should know about.

High Resolution hdmi

Higher Resolution

One might wonder how much can a high definition picture be improved. Such an individual might be surprised to learn that there are developments currently underway. The current standard for high definition picture is 1080 pixels, and the next wave of high definition products, 4K Ultra HD, will be four times as sharp.

Better Sound Quality

HDMI solutions have the capacity to handle a larger number of channels with uncompressed audio. This allows for the greatest sound quality on those channels. As with the picture quality, there are advancements underway to increase these numbers as well.

Hardware Consolidation

There are certain HDMI solutions that are implementing consumer electronics control (CEC) features in the devices. CEC allows for several functions to be controlled through one device. This will limit the number of different remotes needed for the different functions of the solutions packages, therefore reducing the headache of having to keep up with them all and remembering which remotes operate what. With HDMI certain features are required to include CEC capabilities, but as advancements occur, so do new options.

Streamlined Upgrading

Having to return and replace different devices to upgrade to the newest versions can sometimes be a hassle and a pain. The new devices often require a new installation process which can also be worrisome. With the new advancements in HDMI that will be a thing of the past. Many of the upgrades that are being implemented are also being configured so that users can simply download the enhanced versions.

Dual Video Streaming

New advancements in HDMI solutions come with an increased amount of bandwidth, which opens the doors to different advancements. For one, it makes delivering several video streams at once possible. For video gamers this is a dream come true. The bandwidth also allows for greater displays, so it is predicted that there will soon be a new wave of HD wide television screens available.

As you can see, HDMI solutions have provided and continue to pioneer great technological advancements in home entertainment. From video, to sound and even functionality, major improvements have made and will continue to enhance the experience for all.

Companies such as ATEN USA offer an array of possible solutions to meet your particular desires. Contact them today to learn more about your possible options.

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