Tag: school


How to Help Your Kid Succeed in Education

The key aspects of successful education are effective education system, qualified educators, kid’s desire to gain knowledge, and parents’ support as well. Many parents think that school teachers bear responsibility for child’s success and failures, but actually, a parent is a kid’s first and most important educator. If both Mom […]


How Safe are Your Children at School?

We send our children off to school every day, safe in the knowledge that they are going to a safe place where they can learn and have fun. However, the school classroom environment is not as safe as one would think. If we set aside school shooting incidents, which are […]


Back To School Carpooling

With the start of the school year, parents have one more commitment they have to do for the next 8-9 months. It’s taking their kids to school every day, which means long rides in the carpool lane, most likely in an SUV or a minivan, which can be quite a […]