
Email Marketing Tips for Heightening Social Engagement

It is certainly not a big deal for many of you in the business scenario to create an email newsletter and send it to everyone in your contact list. But if you really wish to establish contact with your customers, you need to engage which is certainly more challenging. First of all, you must have an established email marketing system. Remember that it is simply not enough to send an occasional email. Email marketing can never be beneficial if you adopt the attitude of setting it and thereafter, forgetting it. Email marketing endeavors need constant attention and care for optimal progress and growth.

Though some marketers have mocked email marketing as a relatively outdated marketing method, it still remains a fabulous marketing tool for most businesses. The main reasons being that it involves no monetary investment and it becomes more effective with time. It has wonderful Return on Investment potential in its own rights. However, email marketing is so popular chiefly because of its capacity to integrate spontaneously with any other marketing strategy. Always remember that there are some best email marketing practices which help in boosting engagement. You could use bulk email marketing services in Mumbai for best outcomes.

Some Prerequisites for Social Engagement

There are a few tactics and features that need to be integrated into your email strategy before you could even think of attracting enhanced social engagement. Social share icons should be included. This is truly a basic necessity. The email templates’ body should include links to all your existing social media profiles either in the footer or the header. You must include share icons all through your work so that the users could share easily some snippets of your content which they find fascinating, with just a single click.

You must embed featured posts or top-performing content into your email and most definitely, share icons. Finally, it is essential to call your users to action. You need to provide your readers a light nudge so that they move in the right direction and take the final plunge. For instance, you could request your readers to share your post or maybe offer an incentive for sharing something.

The Useful Tactics

Use Shareable Content

Besides embedding your blog posts, you could offer forms of content to the email subscribers. Your content must really be shareable. Make it easy to read, compact, fast and you must ensure that the topic should be of major importance to your target audience. It would certainly be a wonderful idea to create an emotional bond by evoking sympathy, humor or even surprise. Your users should be able to freely skim, as well as, share your content.

Emphasize on Exclusive Offers

Exclusive offers are highly rewarding to your email subscribers. You must take maximum advantage of these offers by allowing the email recipients to go ahead and share these offers with their social followers. This way you could boost your visibility across diverse new audiences.

Remember to Announce Contests

Announcing contests is supposed to be a very powerful and effective way of boosting social media engagement. Emails could be a fabulous way of increasing awareness of them. An enticing contest that is announced over email actually could end up encouraging a subscriber who is presently not following you, to make the jump. In case a subscriber is following you already, he would be sharing your contest offer with his followers and friends.


You simply cannot afford to forget that social media marketing and email marketing are actually mutually beneficial strategies. Social media marketing is helpful in attracting more email subscribers. You must keep email strategies greatly interlinked then you would be enhancing your performance.


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