Travel and living

Tips for Saftey while on the Beach

beach-wallpaperIt's the time of year again where we notice the beautiful wedding parade perusing a newlywed couple as they make their way to the rest of their lives. Saying that, even if you are not away chasing your honeymoon dreams, the fact that we are reaching the peak of summer will surely infer that you are heading away for a long weekend, or possibly just a wee seaside day trip - and why not, we all need a good break. With the summer time in bloom, it is important that we stay safe in the sun. So here are some tips to keep you safe in the sun:

Sun Screen - Your Friend

Sunburn is not just an inconvenience, it can be dangerous! We have all heard the warnings, but do any of us truly take any notice of what is being said? No, well start! A survey recently found that the UK has higher cases of skin cancer than Australia - I don't know about you, but this worries me! There are 65% more cases of skin cancer in the UK than Australia, which equates to roughly 8,100 preventable deaths per year! What some people do not realise is that harmful UV rays can penetrate clouds; therefore it is possible to burn even if it is a cloudy day.

Water Conditions

This is an area that has become increasingly more important to check, with increased pollution of waters world-wide some waters are simply not safe to bathe! When planning a beach holiday make sure to check the water conditions and make sure that you check the rules of the beach.

Never Swim Alone

So the water is fine, in fact the water is beautiful, sure go for a swim, bathe and enjoy the weather, but there is one important point. Makes absolutely sure that if are swimming that you are not going it alone - always take a friend! The water can be a dangerous place, even for an experienced swimmer; therefore it is important to have a spotter. This is especially true of young children/young teenagers who may be a little more rogue.

Stay Away From Rip Currents

Be careful of rip currents, also known as undertows. These are bands of water that develop near the shore, they can flow at a rate of 1 - 2 feet per second, but can get up to 8 feet per second - needless to say this is faster than what any human can swim. If you are caught in a rip current - stay calm! If at all possible try to keep your feet on the ground, again remain calm. You will need to conserve your energy as you will not be strong enough to fight against the current. If you are being pulled out methodically swim with parallel to the shore, this will help you to break free of the current.


If you feel as though you are not able to get out of the current, try to remain calm and call for help, don't fight the current, you will not win. If you are heading out to the beach make sure to research the signs of a rip current, it is by far better to avoid them than get caught up in them.

Watch out Below

Of course there are other dangers of the water, not just pollution or drowning, and these are what lies below… Depending upon where you go the danger will vary, for example, in the UK with varying degrees of danger, but if you are heading to the coastal waters of Australia or Africa, then the dangers may be altogether different! Again a little research goes a long way, and this also follows in line with the rules and warnings of the beach.

Stay hydrated

Scorching sun, beautiful sea breeze and plenty of sun screen, but the dangers are not over yet my friend. When we are out having fun we often forget to keep ourselves hydrated - this vital! We are far more at risk of dehydration in the sun than normal, just because we can feel a breeze does not mean that our body is not fighting hard to keep us cool. Children and individuals over the age of 60 are particularly vulnerable - keep a bottle of water on you at all times.

With 5 years experience as a writer and a travel enthusiast, James King, writes about some of the finer things in life. Travel, education and technology are the main stay of his work.

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