
Are Digital Gadgets Good For Your Children?

malware-gadgetsIn the contemporary world, we cannot escape the modern technology and all the pros and cons come with it. It has now become necessary to use digital technologies in all domains for greater efficiency, accuracy, speed, economy, and meticulousness.

Digital technologies have become so indispensible to our lives that we cannot think of performing our routine activities without them. Technology is especially helpful in the education sector as it enable teachers to engage students and teach them better. It also helps students in acquiring cognitive and social skills and makes them smarter and more knowledgeable.

Despite its positive attributes, digital technologies have their share of demerits. Technology is accused of making people more dependent on them and providing people with little incentives to remember and memorize things. Technology is accused of making it easier for the circulation of inappropriate and scandalous contents that corrupt the minds of young people. Technology is blamed for making young people lazy and limiting their times in outdoors and engaging in physical activities. Technology is also slammed for affecting the social and personal lives of people as people are addicted to social media and making online friends and are unable to spend quality face time with their real friends. Technology is a good servant and a bad master.

It is we who can determine how to use technology and not the other way round. Instead of enslaving ourselves to technology, we must use technology judiciously and at the time of need thereby not becoming completely dependent on it.

The same goes for digital gadgets and it must be noted that the digital gadgets are not good or bad by themselves. They are manufactured to be used by people for their work and convenience. The gadgets don’t operate by themselves and don’t have a mind of their own. It is the users who operate the gadgets and only they can think of how to use the gadgets usefully and productively.

If some people complain that their gadgets are making them lazy, forgetful, and socially-isolated, they need to see how they can use their gadgets more effectively and to their own advantage.

Parents and teachers can help students in making the best use of technology by the following ways.

1. Limiting their children’s time of using gadgets and watching TV

Parents can limit the number of hours of their children for using gadgets and watching TV, if they are using their gadgets or watching TV way too much than they are required to. Parents can strictly tell their children not to use gadgets or watch TV after a particular time. Parents can also ask their children to watch educational contents on the TV and their gadgets.

2. Framing rules for using gadgets

Parents must frame rules for their children to encourage productive use of gadgets and TVs in their leisure. Parents can allow their children between the ages of 6 to 18 years to use their gadgets for two hours daily. Parents can permit their children between 2 to 5 years to watch TV for one hour in a day. Parents can also ask their children not to use their gadgets while eating, studying, or helping in household chores. Apart from gifting expensive gadgets, parents should also give their time to children so that the children grow up to value face time and quality time spent together with family members.

3. Not being overly strict

If parents sometimes find their children not complying with their rules and orders, they should not be harsh with them or confiscate their devices angrily. Children are influenced by their parents’ behaviors and such rude behaviors will only alienate the children. Children will tend to use their gadgets beyond the time allowed stealthily and this will soon become a habit. Instead be kind with them and inspire them to be productive with their gadgets.


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