
Shopping Options for Replacement Windows

beautiful-windowNow spring has arrived, it's a prime time of year to stop thinking about replacing your windows and get it over and done with before the cold kicks in again. If everybody says there is no time like the present it must be true.

But before you go rushing off to your nearest local double-glazing specialist, take time to consider what you want in replacement windows as they come in different grades, styles and efficiencies and they are not all as good as they are made out to be.

Windows are a defining feature of a house and you will be naturally drawn to a particular type and style that suits your tastes. It is a good idea to pick out several and don't have your heart set on a particular style - or price - because if it does not meet the standards you should get from replacement windows you are wasting your money.

Energy efficiency

With the need to cut down on the consumption of carbon fuel there is a responsibility for all of us to save energy. Double-glazing windows make a significant contribution to the retention and distribution of heat in a home and manufacturers have become adept at improving the energy efficiency of their windows.

Double-glazing windows are therefore graded on an energy rating scale from A to G. A-rated +10 uPVC windows are the most energy efficient at the current market, but grade C or above should suffice depending on the area you live. Home owners in extremely harsh climates are just as well investing in top-of-the range replacements. To get a good ROI you should be looking to save around 25% on your energy bill.

Learn how to install a replacement window:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSUueTiYCuU]

Shopping options for replacement windows:

Replacement windows come in several styles and materials, and again the climate which you live in will determine the type of window that is best suited to your home. There are four options:

  • Aluminum windows

Aluminium windows are the least expensive and also the least energy efficient. Other than moderate to warm climates they are not an ideal choice as they do not insulate against heat or cold.

  • Fibreglass windows

The decline in aluminium has seen the emergence of fibreglass windows, equally lightweight and durable, but are more energy efficient. The trouble with fibreglass windows at the moment however is that they are relatively new to the market thus are expensive - in some cases as expensive as wood. Furthermore, there is no case history for us to determine how well fibreglass windows will continue to perform in the future so could be a gamble.

  • Wooden windows

Wooden windows are a popular choice for their aesthetic appeal and reinforced windows have top marks for energy efficiency. However, they are more expensive than alternative options and their energy efficiency begins to degrade after 10 years or so.

  • Vinyl windows

When shopping for windows you are ultimately looking for energy efficiency, durability and value for money and uPVC windows give you the complete package. They are also robust and ideal in any type of climate. The only drawback with vinyl can be you lose space on your window panes because the frames are bulkier.

Ultimately, uPVC replacement windows are the most flexible and cost-effectiveness regardless of where you live. Of course, the other thing to look for when buying replacement windows is a reliable dealer that you can trust-and now you know what to look for you will know if they are lying to you or not!

Azam is an online marketing expert with over four year's experience specialising in home improvement and interior design marketing. He recommends Warmseal for windows.

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