
Maintaining Health After Hitting 40

There is no cure for ageing. We can not turn time around, it will advance. As the body grows older than 40 years old, the risk of developing many health disorders increases. This should ring an alarm for you to wake up to the reality of life so that you make amendments to live a healthy and fit life.


At 40, a healthy diet alone cannot make you fit, but that doesn’t mean you can gorge on anything and everything you want. To look sexy and to be healthy even after crossing the 40 milestone, it is important to eat food that is more natural, fresh, and less processed. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is essential to get the required nutrients. Also, NEVER SKIP YOUR BREAKFAST. This might sound like a line you have heard a million times before, but the reason it is so important is because breakfast is the most important meal of the day and must also be the biggest. This might remind you of some granny’s wisdom – Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.

There are a lot of things one needs to add to their routine, but there are also many we have to cut from it. Many of your habits cannot be taken any further. Like, it is time for smokers to stub out that cigarette forever. They are many diseases that smoking alone can cause or worsen. It might not be easy, but help is available and it is for your own good. If you love alcohol, it is time you reduce the quantity to just two servings, few times in a week.

Stress and Depression are on a rise and will continue to be on a rise if we keep living in such a rush. The two affect our health and increase the risk of many diseases including heart diseases and alzheimer’s disease. A regular visit to the Doctor for health check up will help you and your Doctor to understand the risk spots and how to prevent any disorders from occouring. It is one very good habit that you must keep.

As much as it is important to stop putting toxins into our body, it is also important to avoid toxin exposure. Toxins have a negative impact on our bodies. They may cause fatique, cancer, autoimmune diseases, allergies or food intolerence. It is also the reason for the increased obesity rate. It is important to stay away from toxins and replace them by products made of natural ingredients. Everyone must watch what they eat and drink. It is better to get organic fruits and vegetables and filter your drinking water. It is helpful to keep indoor plants and to install air filters to clean the air we breathe in. These measures must be done by all of us, over 40 or under 40, but since we do have to take extra care once we cross this milestone, it is important to keep a check on the toxin exposure and intake.

Since eating healthy alone is not enough for those above 40 because of the changes in the body, it is important to stay physically active and to enhance mental activity. This will help keep you fit physically and mentally, both. Exercise or yoga works well for weight control and also reduces stress. Not just staying active is important, it is also good to ease out and relax. Get a sound sleep for 7-8 hours at a stretch so that you get full night’s rest and wake up fresh and active. Staying active also helps improve metabolism. This will help you magically burn the calories while you’re sitting on your couch.

Making these few lifestyle changes will make you feel young again, and I once read that investmenting in health gives the best returns. After all, you are fabulous at 40 now and you must feel like it.


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