
Basic Steps to a Working Weight Loss Exercise Plan

Weight loss just like any other goal takes more than just the desire to lose weight it requires commitment, consistency and zeal. It all comes down to how much you want it. The end product of loosing weight should be to lead a healthier life style and to look and feel good.

The common adage failing to plan is planning to fail is totally true when it comes to weight loss. Weight loss is all about what
you eat, how much you eat and how active you are. There are really no quick fixes, it all about diet and exercise. Having an exercise plan will help you stay focused to achieving your goals. There are several steps to be taken when making an exercise plan. These include;-

1. Commitment

You must make a decision to loose weight and Commit yourself to it. Decide to make a complete lifestyle change. To live healthier, to change your eating habits and become more active.

2. Take Account of Your Current State

Visit your health care center and let them take your body mass index (BMI) this will enable you establish your ideal weight
in relation to your height. This is very essential as it will enlighten you to the many health risks you face as a result of being over weight and as such keep you focussed to your goals.

3. Set Your Goals

Having a measure of success is of utmost importance as it will act as a motivation to keep on going strong. With your BMI in mind, decide on how much weight you want to lose. This should be very specific and measurable such as losing 60 pounds, dropping from a size 16 to 14. Dropping 60lbs is the end goal but you have to subdivide this goal into smaller achievement that you can track eg 1lbs per week. The goal should be realistic to avoid devastation in-case of failure.

4. Detailed Exercise Plan

It's at this stage that you go into details on how you plan to achieve your goals. This can involve enrolling into a gym, if you intend
to exercise at home then it will involve buying workout DVDs.

Your detailed plan should include the days you intend to exercise, the time you wish to exercise, the type of exercises and the duration of the workout that particular day.
It could look something like:

5 days of exercise a week: (8am-9.30am)

  • Monday-cardio
  • Tuesday- Resistance training and weight lifting
  • Wednesday- Jogging
  • Thursday-Flexibility training.
  • Friday-Cardio


The key is to be as detailed and as specific as you can as this is what will guide you in your weight loss journey.

5. Implementation

A plan is as good as its implementation. After undertaking the above steps the next step is to put your plan into
action. You have to keep at it. Always remember it's a journey and not a destination and as such consistency is key if you want to achieve the desired results. Always monitor your progress to keep yourself in check.

A European health card is very ideal as you can be able to access health care services in all European countries at a reduced cost.

If you have any questions, please ask below!