
Important 10 things : Not anyone tell you before breast reduction surgery


Most of the women who undergo a breast reduction surgery will walk away happy with their decision but there’s more to this procedure than a few hours under the knife. Here are the important 10 things not anyone tell you before the breast reduction surgery.

  1. You need to lose weight before the surgery: If you are carrying excess body weight, then your doctor might suggest some weight loss measures before the recommended surgery. It could also shrink the size of your breasts thereby make the surgery unnecessary.
  2. Insurance may not cover it: Though many insurers cover the surgery but it’s not always the case. You may need to pay from your pocket and therefore women should fight for the coverage by asking for referrals from your doctor.
  3. Other procedures may be involved: Some women may require additional shaping or contour work on the regions near the breasts, especially underarm areas. Since this procedure has more to do with the appearance than health, some insurers may not cover these additional procedures.
  4. Recovery isn’t too rough: Since it is an outpatient procedure, the patient’s are out in a soft cotton bra with no underwire and will be allowed to head home post surgery. There is no wrapping, binding or drains post surgery. The pain will subside after a week and you can resume exercises on a limited basis though after two weeks post surgery. You can expect a full recovery after 3-4 weeks.
  5. Post-op issues are common though minor: Accodring to a 2014 study, one in three women suffers from some type of complications within 30 days of the procedure. Infection of the surgery is a common issue but it’s fairly simple to treat it. Usually, infections are common among women aged 50 years or more..
  6. Your nipples will feel different: Some women may experience some degree of loss in nipple sensitivity. Though it is less likely, but it is also possible that your nipples will become more sensitive and this will really depend on your surgeon’s method.
  7. But your breasts need some time to settle: A significant part of the healing process is the falling of the breasts post surgery. The newly tightened and tucked skin will sag and settle a bit in the months post surgery. It will take a few months for the breasts to arrive at their more permanent state and then they will appear natural in a bra.
  8. You’ll be not be able to breast-feed: Since the procedure involves removal of the breast tissue, therefore it can mess with your ability to breast-feed. It is estimated that about 50% of patient will lose the ability to breastfeed. Although some of you may be able to breast feed post-op, but most of them will chose not to due to fear that their breasts will grow back to their old size. If you are planning to have children and hop to breastfeed then you should hold off on the procedure until your breastfeeding years are over.
  9. Anchor or Lollipop: One of the biggest advancement in the breast reduction surgery is French vertical mammoplasty called as a lollipop method requiring fewer incisions than the traditional anchor methods. The lollipop method tends to leave less noticeable scarring. It creates a more natural, rounded breasts and leave more breast tissues attached under the nipple. Hence, women will be less likely to lose sensation in the nipple. But everyone may not opt for this method since it might not get the job done for larger breast reductions. Therefore, it is important to talk with your doctor to know the best method for you.
  10. It’s not just for women: Gynecomastia is a condition causing enlarged breasts in men and this can be due to weight gain, medication or a hormonal imbalance. The issues aren’t pain or strain for guys but its more psychological. Men do not feel comfortable wearing tight clothing or exposing their bare chests.

by http://www.cosmetic…

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