
3 Effective Ways to Improve Your Health to Avoid A Fall

Your balance keeps you safe and helps you to stand, walk, reach and climb; assisting you with activities you do every day. You can maintain and even improve your balance to help you avoid a fall and stay independent.

Taking adequate care your health and total well-being is important at all ages to help you stay fit, and healthy. It is vital to know the status of your body and mind. However, if you notice any changes in your body such as feeling of pain, dizziness, or depression, it is ideal to see your physician.

So, you can improve your health by implementing these three steps: checking your medicines, eating a healthy food and keeping a healthy mind. Let's look at them in detail!

1. Improve your health by checking your drugs or medicines

You are likely to take more medicines as you advance in age. Such medicines include the ones prescribed by your doctor, products available from your local Pharmacy, supermarket and health food stores as well as homeopathic products, herbal products, vitamin and mineral supplements.

It is worthy of note to understand that all medicines have their individual side effects and these side effects increase as you take more medicines. So, long-term use of some medications will increase your risk of having a fall, for instance, taking of sleeping pills.


· Always keep a check on your body and mind. If you notice any changes such as feeling of depression or dizziness, then speak to your doctor.

· Do not engage in sharing your medicines because mixing of medicines can increase the negative side effects.

· Ensure you keep a list of the medicines you are taking by organizing them in the most recent date and the reasons of taking it.

· Always be aware of how many and how often to take your medicines by asking your pharmacist to organize your medicines into a dosage administration.


2. Improve your health by keeping a healthy diet

You can fuel your body regularly by eating a well-nourished diet which is very important for you and everyone in the community. Good nutrition especially for older people is essential as it helps to boost mental alertness and reduces your risk of infection. Your body also requires a lot of water to ensure that you do not become dehydrated which will result in feeling dizzy.

Vitamin D and calcium work together and are important for strengthening your bones to help you stay on your feet and avoid a fall. You can get more vitamin D and calcium by engaging in the following:

· By eating dairy products for vitamin D and green vegetables for calcium

· Vitamin D and calcium are also available from your local supermarket or Pharmacy.

· By eating oily fish products such as salmon and mackerel

· By enjoying outdoor activities in the sunshine.

3. Improve your health by keeping a healthy mind

Advancing in age or growing older does not indicate that your mind and mental strength have to reduce. There are plenty of activities that you can perform to help keep your mind active and at alert. Activities such as:

· Drinking alcohol responsibly

· Engaging in home repairs and reading

· Playing games with your grand children

Finally, you balance declines as you advance in age or grow older, but implementing these three steps will help you stay healthy, live independently and avoid a fall.


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