
Differences Between Esthetician and Dermatologist

beautiful-womanSome people confuse estheticians with dermatologists because both professionals specialize in skin care treatments, but there are some major differences between the two different professions. Although both dermatologists and estheticians provide skin care treatments, dermatologists are able to make a diagnosis and provide medical treatment while estheticians simply offer cosmetic treatments.

Dermatologists are licensed doctors who have received a dermatology degree. They are required to take a variety of science classes in university including biochemistry, physics, microbiology and physiology. Once students earn their university degree, they must attend medical school and complete their residency at a hospital or other medical institution to become a fully licensed professional.

Becoming a Dermatologist

A dermatologist is able to diagnosis a lot of skin conditions and diseases. Once they diagnose a patient, a dermatologist can suggest different treatment options. They are able to make expert recommendations and can provide the patient with prescription medication if needed. They also perform skin biopsies and other minor surgical procedures such as mole or cyst removal. Certain dermatologists offer medical cosmetic treatments such as Botox injections.

Some dermatologists have their own private practice while others work in public hospitals or clinics. The professionals are also qualified to work as consultants, teachers or researchers if they choose to do so. Dermatologists earn an average salary of $200,000 to $2 million per year depending on the types of services they offer.

Becoming an Esthetician

An esthetician is a skin care specialist that has received training at an accredited cosmetology school. Estheticians are trained to treat the skin cosmetically rather than medically. They offer a variety of facial treatments that combat acne and signs of aging. They also offer body treatments such as wraps and hair removal treatments.

Most estheticians work in a salon or at a spa. Although estheticians can offer cosmetic treatments that help to improve conditions such as dry skin and acne they cannot provide medical care. Men and women who want to have a rewarding career that allows them to provide professional skin care treatments in a salon or spa setting can complete a program at an accredited esthetician school. Once a student has completed their studies, they must pass a state board examination to receive their license to work in the state.

People can receive more training to become a Medical Esthetician. Medical estheticians can work in a dermatologist or plastic surgery office, providing treatments such as chemical skin peels or microdermabrasion. In many cases, dermatologists work with estheticians to provide patients with a combination of medical care and complementary cosmetic treatments.

Estheticians earn an average income of $20,000 to $52,000 per year. Medical estheticians typically earn a higher income than those who work in a spa or salon. In order for people to get into a good esthetician school, they must be at least 17 years of age and have received their high school diploma or received their GED certificate. Licensed estheticians have the opportunity to find a great job or start their own business.

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