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The Benefits to Liquidate Your Assets and Live Minimally

Household ClutterToday's world is complicated, and it's getting worse. We have more than we could ever need and we keep acquiring more. We're spoiled with so much choice that it can be overwhelming.

When I was growing up, there were three brands of shampoo I could find at the store: Pert, Prell and Head and Shoulders. These days I'm swamped with Fresh Soda, cantaloupe flavor, 2 in 1, detangling and clarifying, refreshing waterfall mist and so on.

It's often said that variety is the spice of life. And indeed it is. But do you need every spice?

Open your closet. Of the coats, dresses, shirts, boots, bags and belt, when was the last time you wore any of those?

Open your garage. Do you see tools, tables, boxes and bins that haven't been opened in years? Can you even get to your car?

You have too much stuff. If you don't use it regularly, then you don't need it. Get rid of it. I like to purge things every so often throughout the year. It's refreshing.

Life should be simple. There should be a place and a purpose for the things we own. It helps to keep us organized, uncluttered and appreciative of what we have.

When we carelessly pile things up a corner, we don't really care about them. So why did we buy them in the first place?

The answer is pretty basic: lust. Lust leads to impulse buying and wanting more than what we need.

The Benefits of a Simple Life

So what's wrong with buying these we like? Absolutely nothing. Having abundance is a blessing. It's when you desire more than you need and buy when you cannot afford it that brings problems.

When you get into a habit of constantly wanting something new, especially if you don't need it, you slowly end up nurturing a sense of entitlement, impatience, can become dissatisfied. You will be willing to throw away things to get the latest new thing. Unfortunately, this attitude can permeate into other aspects of your life.

Learn to live minimally, with what you need, and take care of what you do have. You'll be happier. You won't have to contend with enormous credit card bills and the headaches of figuring out how to pay for them.

When you do come across an expensive item that you truly want, get into the habit of saving up for it. It automatically forces you to make decisions on how to spend your money, checking out alternatives, making decisions on what you're willing to live with or without. The point: you're making active decisions rather than allowing impulse emotions to make the decisions for you.

And if at any time you're tempted to give in to the impulse - resist.

No, It's Not Easy At First. But Practice Makes Perfect.

The best way to purge is to just get started. Remove the excess.

Open your closet. Go through your clothes and separate them. What you use, keep. What you don't use, put into a separate box or bag to be sold or given away. You can simply start with a garage sale or Craigslist.

During through this process, you have to make an active effort to un-attach yourself emotionally from these items. Don't convince yourself that you might need to keep them for later because you really don't.

When dealing with much larger items like boats, cars or motorhomes or even other homes you no longer, you may want to consider the assistance of an auctioneer to help you with the estate sale. Don't be afraid to ask for assistance if you have trouble parting with the excess.

For some, this would be an easy task. For others, it will be quite hard to let go. Just do it, and practice it. Then learn to maintain the things you already have and keep them in excellent condition.

Living minimally simplifies your life and benefits you in so many ways financially, emotionally and mentally. Most of all, you learn to reign in your desire for things you don't need. You control yourself. Things don't control you.

Let them go.

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