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Online Solutions for the 21st Century

It is important to keep up with the news. Educational technology is progressing on a daily basis. In fact, educational technology has progressed to such a point that most conventional news outlets can’t even keep up with it. In order to follow new trends in education and development, it is necessary for an individual to transcend traditional news outlets and instead proactively search the web for sites covering the latest breakthroughs.

Our world has fundamentally changed. Think back twenty years; what did life look like? Was it a conglomeration of individuals with heads bent forward swiping things left and right on glass screens? Paper was the king in those days, and blue dollar industries relied on it for their recording keeping whereas now they do job management all online. In those days, a telephone in a car was still pretty cutting edge, and the phone itself was likely jacked directly into the car’s battery. In those days, a conventional collegiate education still meant something.


Today, an entire Bachelor of Arts degree can be had online at the complete convenience of the student. Furthermore, this degree can be had for a fraction of the cost conventionally involved with collegiate education. The regular cost of a BA can range from twelve thousand to over one-hundred and twenty thousand dollars–depending on the institution from which it’s acquired. Meanwhile some online courses offer the same thing for under five thousand dollars. A degree today doesn’t mean as much as it did twenty years ago because everybody has one. Now a college degree is like a social security number: you’ve got to have yours and know as much or it means you can’t get a job. But not everyone who has a degree is qualified enough they should call themselves educated, either.


So what’s the solution, here? Is it to buck the system and only go to physical educational institutions? But then, their degree is as invalidated as that acquired digitally because of the market’s over-saturation. This means that, beyond networking, there really isn’t any reason to attend a physical class anymore. In fact, time and finances clearly specify the internet.

The internet has become so useful, technologically speaking, that educational parameters have now expanded beyond core educational directives and now concern elective courses. Courses like “driver’s ed”, more conventionally termed, “defensive driving and traffic school”. In California, this option has become especially sought after. In fact, CA online traffic school options are less expensive than they ever were before, and more cumulative. Students can take classes at their convenience, pay a rate which is less than the “physical” thing, and still walk away with a DMV-authorized certification.

This wasn’t possible in the nineties. In the nineties, you had to sit in a class with twenty other punks that didn’t know how to drive and listen to platitudes from a professor that never graduated into regular social functioning. He’d fill your mind with propaganda and ultimatums you couldn’t forget. Now, the internet is at the student’s fingertips perpetually, and so professors have lost their ability to hoodwink students with personal opinions.

Educational technology will not slow down its steady advance, unless some exceptionally virulent global conflict knocks the internet out of commission and forces everybody back to the dark ages before the 90s. But even then, at best you’re looking at delays rather than complete social over-haul. So keep an eye on blogs and internet news sources which are regularly presenting innovations. They’ll always be ahead of the news, and in things like traffic school, they stand to save you money.

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