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Can I Buy Dihydrocodeine Legally in the UK?

DihydrocodeineThe rules governing the use and administration of dihydrocodeine in the UK are fairly strict. It is classified as a B grade drug. If you need to buy it over the counter, you can only do so if it is combined with something else i.e. with paracetamol to give co dydramol. You will find dihydrocodeine listed in the Misuse of Drugs Regulations, 2001. If you are found in possession of this drug, you will not be prosecuted as long as it is less than 100mg and not in a form where it can be injected. On the other hand, if you are found to have much more than this, the worst case scenario is a 5 year prison sentence plus a fine of unlimited amount.

Can you buy dihydrocodeine online?

Because dihydrocodeine is an opioid based painkiller, it is very strong and must be used with caution. You may also find it contained within some cough medicines. It relieves pain by producing an endorphin affect in the brain, which in turn reduces pain. Not only is your pain relieved but you might experience a nice, relaxed and comfortable feeling. If you order Dihydrocodeine 30mg online is will come in a tablet form. You will need a prescription from your doctor before your drugs can be dispensed. If you have a repeat prescription from your G.P. or medical practitioner, you will need to complete a detailed online medical questionnaire.

The dangers of taking dihydrocodeine

Because it is an opioid, dihydrocodeine can be very addictive. Taking too much of this drug may be dangerous and even fatal. You should always treat the drug carefully, adhering to the stated dose and keeping it well away from children. If you are taking dihydrocodeine that has been prescribed by a doctor, he will ask you a lot of questions before issuing a prescription. If you have any pre-existing medical problems or are taking any herbal supplements or remedies, you should always make this known to the doctor. Your G.P. may not recommend dihydrocodeine to you if you regularly drink alcohol or have a dependency. Similarly, if you have a history of addiction, he will most likely want to keep you away from this drug.

Dihydrocodeine is also not recommended for patients with a history of:

  • Low blood pressure or epilepsy
  • Chronic constipation
  • Problems with heart, liver or kidneys
  • Thyroid or prostate gland irregularities

Your doctor will also not prescribe it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Are there any side effects of dihydrocodeine?

As with all medication, dihydrocodeine can cause unpleasant side effects. If you experience any of the following or feel unwell for some other reason, do consult a doctor. It is unwise to stop taking the drug too quickly as then you may suffer withdrawal symptoms.

These are the most common side effects:

  • Pain in the tummy
  • Feeling unusually dizzy
  • Not sleeping well
  • Dramatic or unexplained mood changes
  • Itching
  • Tiredness and drowsiness
  • Constipation

What is dihydrocodeine used to treat?

Dihydrocodeine is used to treat medium to severe pain. Because of the way it works on the body, even if the source of the pain remains, the brain will not sense it as much. It can help patients suffering from the pain of sciatica, arthritis in the joints, cancer and even post-operative discomfort.

You should always take the drug as prescribed by your doctor and never exceed the stated dose. It is also not a good idea to mix it with alcohol as you may find the effects of the alcohol intensified. Dizziness, sickness, feeling unsteady on your feet; all of these feelings often attributed to drinking alcohol can be massively increased. If you are driving or operating machinery, mixing the two together could have potentially serious or even fatal consequences.

So as you can see, whilst it is possible to purchase dihydrocodeine in the UK, it is strictly controlled and should only be taken if recommended by a medical expert.

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