Small business

5 Daily Tips for Anyone Who is New to Freelancing


Are you new to the wonderful world of freelancing? Are you ready to hit the ground running?

If you find yourself in this position, you may be both scared and excited at the same time.

On the positive side, you’re looking forward to everything the future will bring. Additionally, you’re hoping that your freelance career takes off in the near future (so you don’t have to return to the rat race).

Conversely, you may have concerns about landing your first client, managing every aspect of your business, and staying on the right track.

With all this in mind, here are five daily tips you can follow to feel better about the future:

  1. Use a Daily To-Do List

Review your to-do list before your workday begins. With this approach, you’ll know exactly what to expect as the day unfolds.

Things may come up that throw you for a curve, such as an important call with a prospect, but your to-do list will push your day forward without any fear of overlooking an important project.

As an extra tip, in the event you go over the allotted time in your to-do list, simply continue with what should have been done next. Organize your to-do list based on priorities. It is always a really good idea to start with the most important tasks first and then move towards those that are not so important.

  1. Leave Time for Miscellaneous Tasks

There is no denying the fact that you want to focus most your time and energy on projects that will help grow your business.

For example, if you work as a freelance writer, most of your day should be dedicated to creating high quality content for your clients. This does include a lot of research, writing, reading and proofreading.

However, it’s important to leave time for miscellaneous tasks. This can include but is not limited to: accounting responsibilities, answering emails, and organizing your office.

  1. Take Breaks as Needed

It’s easy to believe that taking a break is a waste of time. It’s easy to believe that this will do nothing more than slow you down.

But get this: taking a break can actually boost your productivity, while also helping improve your overall level of physical and mental health.

You don’t need to take long breaks throughout the day. Instead, 15 minutes every now and again can do wonders. During that time you can grab some fresh air or simply lay down and breathe. Many think that this is going to reduce productivity but the exact opposite will happen.

  1. Find a Quiet Place

Most freelancers work from home. While there is nothing wrong with this, you may not be the only person in the house. From your spouse to your children to your pets, it’s possible that there may be a few distractions floating around.

If you want to succeed as a freelancer, it’s imperative to find a quiet place to do your work.

Tip: let others in your house know that you are working and are not to be bothered when your door is closed. This may sound harsh, but it will go a long way in improving your productivity.

  1. Prepare for the Next Day

Before your workday comes to an end, turn your attention to the next day.

For example, you can use this time to create your to-do list or consult with any partners, such as your digital marketing agency. This way, when the morning arrives, you’re ready to get started.


As you embark on your journey to freelancing success, you’ll come across a variety of challenges. This is particularly true as a new freelancer who is more familiar with traditional employment.

With the five tips above, you’ll find it much easier to stay on track as you grow your freelance business.

What do you think of these tips? Would you add any others to the list? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

If you have any questions, please ask below!