
Benefits of Pursuing a Pre-MBA Internship

student-girlThe pre-MBA course is generally short but long enough to have an idea of ​​what career you want to pursue after B-school.

You have got selected in your dream B-school and now you are spending your pre-MBA times leisurely by just hanging around, traveling or sleeping in. this is generally an idyllic time when you indulge fully into relishing the brief interval before the tumult that waits for you once you show up in your campus.

While the majority of fresher MBA students are still spending the months before the commencement of the MBA session by their favorite hobbies, pre-MBA internship has grown in popularity among those just admitted. Let's take a sneak peek at the nitty-gritty of what is, and what the probable benefits are of opting for a pre-MBA internship.

Pre-MBA Internship: What is it?

A summer internship is a mandatory feature for the two-year MBA program, but a Pre-MBA internship is a program intended specifically for those professionals who will start for the B-school right in the fall. There is an internship program allotted for each one group of MBA whether you are in banking, private equity, venture capital, or anything else.

These courses or "camps" as they are sometimes called are short, typically ranging from four to six weeks. There are few Pre-MBA programs available which last no more than a few days.

Who is Eligible for Pre-MBA Internship?

This type of course is ideal for career switchers who represent 38 percent of incoming students. If you switch fields, this short passage before your first year serves as a test of a new area of interest. Pre-MBA course is short, but it is usually sufficient to confirm your interest so that you are not wasting your precious times into doing irrelevant summer internship.

How Could You Be Benefited from Pre-MBA Internship?

Pursuing a pre-MBA course is beneficial for the obvious reason that it allows you to build skills and gain experience in a new role. The recruitment starts apparently the moment you enter in your campus, so students should be prepared with a pretty good idea of where they wish to intern.

If you gain some exposure in the business world you will be more competitive and you'll be fully equipped when you apply for a summer internship.

When Should You Avoid Pre-MBA Internship?

Judging from a financial viewpoint, it is improbable that you'll earn money equal in amount to a full-time job. Therefore the time before going to the B-school should be utilized to save your dollars to face abrupt MBA tuition fees.

Then again, those students who had little time for a rejuvenating holiday, the summer before business school could be their last chance to have fun. The time serves as a much needed break in order to be revitalized and replenished before the MBA program strikes hard with full intensity. And once your MBA session starts you will find various sites online offering marketing assignment help along with other writing help on various arrays of business and management. These services will provide ease when you're stuck in a rush hour handling a lot of things alone.

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