
Email Etiquette Around The World

When sending an e-mail, you do not just send the message whichever way you like especially if it is a business e-mail. Depending on the type of message as well as the recipient, you need to know the right way of doing it. You have to be knowledgeable with e-mail etiquette. The way people send messages in particular email is different all over the world. In Germany, apart from ensuring that your message is direct and short, you also have to use titles.

In the United States, you don't have to use titles, but you have to make sure that your e-mail is concise, straight to the point and contains the relevant information and details needed.

In China, it is quite different since you have to give all of the details especially if it is pertaining to business e-mails. Always be mindful whenever you create and send your e-mail message. The team of writers from Aussiessay created this infographic to present some rules of email etiquette around the world.

email etiquette

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