Business planning

The Overworked Entrepreneurs: Ideas to Enjoy Your Downtime

There’s no denying that running a business is energizing. You’re growing this thing from the ground up and it can be downright exhilarating. If you’re in an industry that you have a passion for, running a business doesn’t seem like “work” at all. While working on your passion might seem more like fun than work, it is still a very time-consuming, and at times stressful, which is why you need to unwind, drop the guilt, and enjoy yourself a little more.

Overworking Leads to Burnout

You feel a certain level of commitment to your business. You feel attached, and going on vacation while your employees run your operation just doesn’t seem fair. It seems like a logical concept. One that many CEOs end up talking themselves into. The only issue with this is, that all work and no play – can lead to a burnout, amongst other things.

Small business owners who don’t take the time to relax and have fun in life end up burning out, self-medicating, and then, have to do the work to pick back up the pieces of their life. Some don’t realize just how much of a break they needed until they end up seeking treatment from facilities like Landmark Recovery.

So, before you end up spiraling out of control, consider some of these options for enjoying your much-needed down time.

  • Take a Vacation – Take out your scheduler and schedule yourself some personal time. Whether you go away for a week or just a weekend, vacations can help you to clear your mind. While on vacation, only minimal communications should be had about your business. Start delegating responsibilities now so you don’t have to try to over the phone while sitting on a beach in Dubai.
  • Take a Day Trip – Alright, if you really feel like you can’t pry yourself away from your business for too long, consider planning a day trip. Go fishing, check out a tourist attraction in a neighboring city, go home and just binge watch television all day. Just spend 24 hours not doing anything related to your business.
  • Volunteer – Giving back to others is another way to enjoy your down time. It can also be very good for business. Pick a community activity to take part in. Whether you volunteer to read to elementary kids once a month or you decide to feed the homeless at a food shelter, it is all a distraction from work and a great way to feed your soul.
  • Learn Something New – Is there something that you’ve been dying to learn how to do but just haven’t had the time since you started your business? Well, your down time is the perfect time to try something new. Take up pottery, sowing, surfboarding, or whatever else you might find interesting. Who knows? Certain hobbies can actually help you to run your business more effectively.
  • Hit the Open Road – Your down time doesn’t have to be extravagant, it just needs to be time away from the business. What could be better than hopping in a car and taking a cruise to an unknown destination? Consider a road trip, whether you hop in the convertible with your significant other or pull out the motorcycle and travel cross country, being out on the open road allows you to clear your mind.

It’s pretty common to feel bad about taking some down time when you have a business to run. Yet the truth is, failure to get away from it all once in a while can lead to stress, resentment, and other things. To avoid feeling bad later, your best bet is to start penciling in some you time and focusing on something that is relaxing and enjoyable. You can almost guarantee that once you’ve had some down time, you’ll come back refreshed every time.

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