
What They Did before Success

Who are your business idols? Chances are, the people you admire for their creativity, acumen, and ingenuity, worked very hard to get where they are. You see them as they are today, huge success stories. But before they made a name for themselves, they started in a variety of places. Many business names you’ve heard of today didn’t inherit money or success from family members. The ones with modest beginnings create stories that are all the more inspiring.

No clear path to success exists, especially not in the business word. Steve Jobs, a favorite example, did not finish college and certainly didn’t have an MBA. Instead, he pursued a vision with single-minded intensity and created one of the most recognizable companies in the world. JK Rowling, Harry Potter author, was a depressed, jobless, single mother when she began the book series that would go on to become an international phenomenon.

When trying to create success for yourself, follow a path that will open up opportunities. Take an internship. Pursue a Villanova MBA. Develop an idea. Take inspiration from the famous names you admire, because they all have one thing in common: hard work. You may not know how each step in your journey will add up, so keep pursuing your ideas and working on the things that matter, while learning everything you can in your field. For more famous inspiration, scroll down for an infographic to find out what celebs like Oprah and Mark Cuban did on their paths to success.


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