Advantages of Web Based Applications in Business Service

business-servicesWith the advent of internet there has been drastic change in the mentality of the consumers as they look upon the web for every little thing like shopping, selecting school for their kids, booking tickets etc. All this can be materialized by just internet connection and few clicks. Web based applications use web sites as user interface. Users access the application from any computer connected to the internet using a standard browser instead of incorporating the application that has been installed on their local computers.

Here are the Advantages of Web Based Applications in Business Service:

• Cost effective development: Web based applications allows the user access the system through one common web browser. Application has to be developed for single operating system and there is no need to develop and test it on all the other operating system versions and configurations. This leads to cost effective and allows development and trouble shooting in much easier way.

• Can be accessed from any point: Web based applications can be accessed from anywhere and at any point of time via any computer that has internet connection.

• Can be customized easily: The user interface of web based applications is simpler to customize compared to desktop applications thus easy enabling to update the look and feel of the application. One can also customize the presentation of information to different user groups using web based application.

• Accessible for spectrum of devices: This application can be accessible for any device that is connected to internet viz. mobile phones, PDAs etc, thus extending the user's ability to receive and interact with information.

• Easy to install and maintain: Web based applications are easy to install and maintain. Once new version is upgraded on the host server all the users can access it easily. There is no need to update each and every PC of the client. One can incorporate new software easily as the users have to update their browsers and plugins.

• Easily adapted to increased work load: Web based applications are easily adapted to the increased load as with increase of new loads new servers can be easily added to the system.

• Highly Secure: Web based applications are more secure as desk top applications one has to monitor umpteen numbers of client computers which is not the case in web based application as they are monitored and maintained by experienced server administrators.

• Versatile core technologies: With Web based applications one can use any core technologies viz. Java based, Microsoft Platform and open source platform based on the needs and the budget of the user.

• Improved compatibility: With web based applications one can achieve improved compatibility between the applications than the stand alone desktop systems. One can integrate a web based shopping cart system with a web based accounting package. This application enables easy work flow, swiftly integrates enterprise system and other business processes.

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