
Agility and Speed are Vital For Manufacturing

manufacturingAgility and speed are the new stats manufacturing companies have to focus on in today’s connected world. Instead of relying on legacy programs that are painfully outdated, the introduction and adaptation of cloud computing systems has brought about a degree of speed and precision heretofore unseen in the industry. While scary, it’s an evolution that allows these companies to track and share data with both customers and suppliers in a way that is changing the very face of manufacturing.

Data Collection

The most common use of this cloud computing has been the recent ability of companies to make sense of the endless streams of data they receive on a daily basis. With so many connected avenues of knowledge, including inventories, factory progress and raw materials, business decisions can now be made with far more precision in terms of how they will affect the future of the company.

This type of data also extends to customers and each business’ parts catalog software, such as from Digabit. Those making decisions can immediately find out the busiest time of day, the most popular products and the most invested industries. Put these all together and you have a way to focus your business to better suit the needs of those that help you keep the lights running.


Modern manufacturers typically use outside suppliers for an estimated 70% of the components, assemblies and parts used for their products. It’s a staggering number that underlines just how important strengthening these relationships are. Anything that can better handle such complex supply chains leads to growth.

This is cloud computing

Instead of delays in communication or human errors, software trims down all of the processes from month-long endeavors to mere days. With the data collection, it also provides different avenues for manufacturers to pursue based on their needs parameters. Manufacturers now have the fluidity to shift their supply chain networks as they see fit no matter what point in the process they’re at, letting them take full advantage of the best prices and the best products.


The most immediate draw to this new way of manufacturing, of course, has to do with the money saved. Though the initial investment is high (these cloud programs aren’t exactly cheap), the returns are astounding. Take, for instance, the cloud’s ability to catch product quality errors before anything goes into full production. Again, imagine how much more you can save when you don’t have to guess how much to produce, a guess that loses you money if you make too much and loses you money if you make too little.

In short, there is no way around cloud computing as a manufacturer. Those that already have it implemented are already growing exponentially when compared to those that are still relying on legacy programs that only serve to keep production times slow, cost effectiveness down and progress stunted.

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