Author: jordandmv


Easy Tech Hacks for Old Cars

New cars nowadays are equipped with the most sophisticated technology that keeps passengers entertained and allows them to stay connected when out on the road, but if you own an older car, you probably don’t get to use any of those cool features that can make your ride more enjoyable […]


The Coming Decline in the Auto Industry

Global auto sales have been growing for a few years now, and are expected to continue to grow for the foreseeable future, but they still haven’t reached the market potential. Sales of electric vehicles have been growing particularly strong, and will increase rapidly for at least 10 more years. This […]


Back To School Carpooling

With the start of the school year, parents have one more commitment they have to do for the next 8-9 months. It’s taking their kids to school every day, which means long rides in the carpool lane, most likely in an SUV or a minivan, which can be quite a […]


Why You Should Attend Traffic School

Most car accidents are caused by careless and irresponsible drivers. There are a lot of drivers on the road that drive recklessly and aggressively, run red lights, don’t obey speed limits and traffic signals and signs, or drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If more drivers attended traffic […]


Are Driverless Cars a Good Idea?

According to some predictions, driverless cars will be a reality by 2020, and people are getting excited about the idea of being able to travel in cars that can drive themselves. The most talked about autonomous car project at the moment is the Google driverless car, and if we judge […]


Does Fuel Economy Save Gas?

Making fuel-efficient cars is obviously good for the economy, primarily because they lead to increased car sales. Poor sales figures over the past couple of years have been in large part a consequence of high gas prices, which is why many car makers have started to produce vehicles that consume […]

Connect iPod to the car steareo system

How to Connect an iPod to a Car Stereo

Lots of young drivers enjoy detailing their cars and pay special attention to the car’s infotainment system. If you have an iPod and you want to be able to play it in your car, but the car doesn’t offer iPod integration, there are a few alternative ways to do that. […]