Author: JeremmyJr.


6 Questions You Need to Ask Your Accountant

Every business needs tight and perceptive financial management on an ongoing basis, and most business men and women opt to outsource all or part of their bookkeeping tasks to a CPA (certified public accountant). This is unsurprising, considering how important and yet how complex tax law, budgeting, cash flow management, […]


10 Things You Can Turn Your Garage Into

For most homeowners, the garage is a place to store the car from harsh winter weather and unforgiving summer sun. For others, it’s a place to keep the holiday decorations and lamps that no longer have a place in your new décor scheme. The fact is that your garage can […]


4 Franchise Opportunities for Veterans

Veterans make for great entrepreneurs. A recent study by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) found that military service exhibits one of the biggest marginal impacts on self-employment, with veterans 45% more likely to be self-employed than non-veterans. Additionally, for every ten veterans, there is one veteran-owned firm and together […]


Wild Animals That You May See in Your Backyard

Here in New England, you’re likely to see a wild animal or two anytime you step out into your backyard. Some of them we’re always happy to see. Others, not so much. From squirrels and raccoons to some much, much bigger creatures, the key to wildlife control New England is knowing which […]