Search Results for "tattoos"


Challenges Associated with Cosmetic Tattooing

Cosmetic tattooing is a procedure where permanent makeup is put on your face. Due to its permanent nature, it is the same as a tattoo. However, the beauty aspect of it makes it cosmetic. Despite the fact that it is called permanent makeup, it does not last forever but rather […]


Microblading Tools: An Overview

Being human, we have the desire to look good and even be admired for that. Natural looks are appealing but we always require to go a notch higher. Cosmetic products were made for this particular purpose. Over the years, makeup has evolved. Nowadays, the constant application of makeup has become […]


Permanent Makeup: Changing Lives

Morning routines for most women include applying some sort of hair or facial makeup. However, this can take so long and sometimes you could even make a mess. Sometimes, you end up leaving the house with no makeup because you are in a hurry. For some people, they cannot use […]


The Best Augmented Reality Apps

Augmented reality (AR) refers to the integration of digital components and information with a user’s environment, in real time. Unlike virtual reality which creates an entirely artificial environment, AR only uses the existing environment, and it only overlays new information on top of it. Surprisingly, superimposing the computer-generated images on […]


7 Things You Should Know Before Going Blonde

Hair coloring has been a medium for expressing ourselves, similar to getting tattoos and piercings. Among the three, it may be the least painful, but it may also require more work. There is an expression saying “blondes have more fun” which may mean a couple of things. One of these […]


Benefits of Low Level Laser Therapy

You might have heard about how surgeons use high power lasers in performing surgeries that leave behind the minimum or almost no scars. Low level laser therapy, on the other hand, can induce the body to create new cells and repair itself. Low Level Laser Therapy or Photobiomodulation Therapy is […]


Can You Have Younger Skin Once Again?

Everybody wants to hold on to their youth. However, no matter how much we try to look after ourselves, wrinkles seem to appear regardless, often seemingly overnight. People deal with this differently, with some people turning to the nearest wrinkle cream they can find. Others look for something more professional […]