Search Results for "photogenic"


6 Expert Low Light Photography Tips

Many people have this assumption that low light photography is synonymous to night time photography. That assumption is completely wrong. Night time photography as a whole is a form of low light photography but low light photography as a whole is definitely NOT night time photography. Indoor photography can also […]

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Top Film Locations in Ireland

For a relatively small country, Ireland has enjoyed quite an illustrious career on screen. With its rolling green hills, picturesque villages and diverse urban landscape, the Emerald Isle is a location scout's dream - a photogenic landscape that always offers up its best side to the camera, whether representing itself […]

Travel and living

Best German Cities To Live In

Germany may not have the beaches of Spain or Australia but one thing it does have in abundance for people who go to live there is great cities. Germany's a populous country by European standards - in fact it has the largest population of any nation that's situated solely in […]