Search Results for "organisms"


Sequence Listings: Key Elements and Format

Understanding the complexities of sequence listings within patent applications can feel overwhelming for even experienced attorneys and agents who deal with intellectual property. A key component to preparing a quality patent application involves paying special attention to sequence listings’ format, content, and storage requirements. This blog post explains each element […]


The Ethics of CRISPR and Genetic Engineering

Advancements in biotechnology, particularly the development of CRISPR-Cas9, have revolutionized the world of genetic engineering. This powerful tool allows scientists to make precise changes to the DNA of various organisms, opening up countless possibilities for scientific discovery and practical applications. However, as with any groundbreaking technology, the ethical implications of […]


5 Ways to Modernize Your Swimming Pool Equipment

Swimming pool equipment is constantly evolving, just like everything else in life. In the past decade alone, there have been some significant advances that are making America’s pools cleaner, easier to maintain, and more enjoyable for swimmers. So, let’s check out five of the best pieces of modern pool equipment […]


Types of Dental Crowns: Main Differences

Prosthetics are an effective way to restore the integrity of damaged teeth. Thanks to this technology, dentists recover both the physiological functions of the jaw and a beautiful smile. Different types of dental crowns are used depending on the diagnosis and individual characteristics of the patient. Today, denture types differ […]


Top 10 Areas of Technology Innovation in 2023

Innovation refers to the process of creating new or improved products, processes, or ideas. It can involve the development of new technologies, the introduction of new business models, or the application of existing knowledge in new ways. Innovation is often seen as a key driver of economic growth and can […]

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Which Botulinum toxin based product to choose?

When making a decision to conduct a “beauty procedure”, individual customers want to know which botulinum toxin is most suitable for them and how to make the right choice. Preparations of botulinum toxin type A are used in cosmetology to smooth wrinkles and fight hyperhidrosis. This active component is present […]