Search Results for "lbs muscle"


The Quick Guide To Garden Styles

Gardening is not just a hobby, it is an art form. Gardens are a reflection of the designers, which makes them unique. In addition, gardens can be built for specific purposes – for example, a vegetable garden or memory garden. They can also be designed to honour a particular national […]


Staying Fit after Cosmetic Breast Surgery

You worked so hard to get that rocking bod, special diet and regular, daily exercises have become an integral part of your life. No wonder you're a bit worried about the rather long (for an active person, this probably feels like ages) post-surgical period of recuperation now that you have […]


Medical School 101: The First Two Years

Transitioning into medical school can be both exhilarating and intimidating. It feels like the start of a life-changing experience - and it is. You’ll learn more than you thought possible in an impossibly short period of time. You’ll learn, maybe for the first time ever, what failure feels like. And […]


The Benefits of Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercising consists of a warm-up phase, a conditioning phase (when you actually do most of the exercising), and a cool-down phase. Exercising is stressful to our muscles, hence the warm-up phase where we stretch our muscles and get blood flowing into them to avoid tissue injury. The cool-down phase […]