Search Results for "graphic display"

infographic importance

Why Infographics Are Important?

This is the age of Big Data where 1.5 billion pieces of content, 140 million tweets, and 2 million videos are being created every day. Thanks to the advent of information technology we are surrounded by data everywhere. We are constantly made to face large volumes of data in the […]


3D Display: an Overview

When 3D television stepped in the technology foray, it invoked hope. But soon after, it proved a failure and failed to take the industry with a storm. In fact, as early as 2013, reports were coming from different corners, and they were all echoing the same thing; 3D TV doesn't […]


The Benefits of Using a Customer Point of Sale Display

Advertising is typically focused around many different things. There are many varying factors that go into creating an effective advertising campaign. For example, advertising professionals will always take into account the gender, the age of the potential buyer, whether or not this demographic has a family and so on. One […]


7 Different Types of Display Ads

The main motive of display advertising is to reach the maximum number of people. As display advertising can be used for a wide range of formats such as images, videos, flash and text etc., the chances of attracting viewers and visitors is more. With the availability of so many formats […]