Search Results for "free WiFi"

Data security

Why Should We Be Cautious about Public WiFi?

Free Wi-Fi – a ‘WOW’ for everyone. The modern cafeteria, shopping malls, university zones, junctions, public parks, airports, restaurants, hotels, etc. are equipped with the facility of free Wi-Fi. We often see a small gathering of people at certain spots leaning over their smartphones and laptops. Free Wi-Fi is the […]


The Future of Hospitality Wifi

The technology landscape of today is swarming with consumers who demand speedy, reliable Wi-Fi. The hospitality spaces have warmed up to this trend to provide consistent and efficient internet access to all the travelers. Gone are the days when hotel Wi-Fi was just a means to connect guests to the […]


Is the Free Hotel Wi-Fi Just for Promotion?

Just as travelers never asked whether the hotel rooms have television or air conditioner, most of them do not bother to query about the internet access. Wi-Fi is fast becoming a basic amenity and the travelers worldwide increasingly expect that their hotel room will be equipped with broadband. When there […]

Travel and living

Top 5 Holiday Rentals Options in Malta

Malta is a gorgeous region with so much to offer, and to truly enjoy it means booking just the right accommodation for your needs. One of the criteria that we use in choosing well-situated accommodation is considering the property’s proximity to popular locations, so that you can enjoy convenient access […]


Benefits of guest Wi-Fi setup for businesses

With the rise in numbers of mobile workers and ‘truly’ agile working methods, an increasing number of businesses and organisations are investing in the setup of guest Wi-Fi environments at their premises. With the primary focus on IT as an enabler, allowing visiting guests to effortlessly and securely connect to […]

Data security

Data Protection for Survivors of Domestic Abuse

Last month,I wrote an article about different steps that people should take in safeguarding their personal information online. With a spate of recent data breaches at large companies, it’s no surprise that data security is on the top of everyone’s mind. But protecting one’s real-life safety when engaging on digital […]